Tag: practice extemp topics Page 74 of 76

Extemp Questions for the Week of December 9th-15th, 2008

questions1.  Is Somalia the next Afghanistan?

2.  Does the print news industry deserve a government bailout?

3.  After an outbreak of violence by Zimbabwe’s army, is Mugabe’s regime in its final days?

4.  Is the world closing in to becoming victorious over the AIDS virus?

5.  Will the raid by British authorities over Damian Green make the British public resistant to future laws that encroach on their civil liberties?

6.  What can Hugo Chavez do to reduce Venezuela’s homicide rate?

7.  Why is Greece seeing an outbreak of riots?

8.  What was President Bush’s biggest foreign policy accomplishment?

9.  Is Nepal’s decision to close down its private schools misguided?

10.  Will Obama’s economic plan work?

Extemp Questions for the Week of December 2nd-8th, 2008

questions1.  Should the Senate intervene in the Minnesota Senate race?

2.  Why is California in a fiscal emergency?

3.  Should Britain join the euro?

4.  To the U.S.:  Is Turkey important??

5.  Should Obama have campaigned for Martin?

6.  What impact will the banning of the PPP have on Thai politics?

7.  Are African nations coddling Omar al-Bashir?

8.  What impact will the Mumbai attacks have on Indian politics?

9.  Why did Obama keep Gates?

10.  After eight years, what grade does the Bush administration deserve on its environmental report card?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 25th-December 1st, 2008

questions1. Do Obama’s cabinet appointments echo his campaign’s message of “change” or do they simply create a Clinton restoration?

2. Why are countries wary of an IMF bailout?

3. Can a resolution to the conflict in Kashmir bring stability to Afghanistan?

4. Was Tom Daschle a better selection for Secretary of Health and Human Services than Howard Dean?

5. How can the U.S. improve civic education?

6. Was the government bailout of Citigroup justified?

7. Should Barack Obama make cuts in the defense budget?

8. Have the Venezuelan local election results provided Hugo Chavez with some needed political momentum?

9. How should the world bring Somali pirates to justice?

10. Will low oil prices now lead to a supply crunch later?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 18th-November 24th, 2008

questions1. Does the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo warrant intervention by neighboring African states?

2. Should the international community launch a joint naval mission to protect commerce off of Somalia’s coast?

3. Why did Jerry Yang leave Yahoo?

4. Should the Republican Party stop its opposition to the auto industry bailout?

5. Is centrism growing in Latin America?

6. What should be Barack Obama’s first priority as President?

7. Is the world forcing Tibetans to become more violent in their struggle with China?

8. Are proposed constitutional changes in Russia necessary?

9. How should the Supreme Court rule in Pleasant Grove City v. Summum?

10. Will the Democrats achieve a filibuster proof majority in the Senate by the end of December?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 11th-November 17th, 2008


1. Was the selection of Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief of Staff a good decision by Obama?

2. Should the government rescue GM?

3. Why did McCain lose?

4. Is the EU’s policy toward Russia too weak?

5. Should Michael Steele become the next RNC chair?

6. Will China’s economic stimulus plan work?

7. Should the British government expand Heathrow?

8. Why is Pakistan struggling to dislodge the Taliban?

9. Is Google emerging as Big Brother?

10. What should the Republican Party do to gain seats in the 2010 midterms?

Extemp Questions for the Week of November 4th-November 10th, 2008

questions1. What was the biggest upset on election night?

2. Why is Pakistan’s economy in such a wreck?

3. What does the Christian Science Monitor’s decision to go completely online say about the future of the print news industry?

4. Are natural resources a curse for the Congo?

5. Is Burma becoming more aggressive towards its neighbors?

6. Should the U.S. auto industry be given a bailout?

7. Will Livni need religious parties to form a government if she wins the upcoming Israelis elections?

8. What is the best way for the U.S. government to control healthcare costs?

9. Will Sarah Palin run for president in 2012?

10. Is the GOP in danger of becoming a regional party?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 28th-November 3rd, 2008

1. Has Pennsylvania become the most pivotal battleground state in the presidential election?

2. Why was Livni unable to form a government?

3. Would Congress be more bipartisan with substantial Democratic majorities?

4. Who should Zambia choose as its next president?

5. Why is it so hard to reform the Mexican oil industry?

6. Are Amnesty International’s criticisms of Colombia’s security forces justified?

7. Should Iran pre-emptively strike Israel?

8. Why does the EU not like Italy’s immigration laws?

9. To the U.S.: Should Sudan matter?

10. Why do some Afghans prefer Taliban rule?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 21st-27th, 2008

1. Why is Obama’s lead in the polls shrinking?

2. Will California voters pass Proposition 8?

3. Would a new stimulus package help the U.S. economy?

4. Has the oil bubble burst?

5. What does the Powell endorsement mean for Obama?

6. How long will Harper’s minority government last?

7. Will Zimbabwe’s new political crisis achieve a quick resolution?

8. Why are Central Asian countries facing food shortages?

9. How would a Democratic controlled, filibuster-proof Senate mean change the United States?

10. Why has Sarkozy become a key figure on the global economic crisis?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 14th-20th, 2008

1. Is the bailout package working?

2. Should Ethiopia withdraw from Somalia?

3. Will a new Ukranian election increase Yushenko’s power?

4. Should Khatami challenge Ahmadinejad?

5. How would an Obama administration change U.S. policy towards Israel?

6. Should the U.S. and China cooperate on climate change policy?

7. Is McCain finished?

8. Will California’s budget have to be renegotiated?

9. In these economic times, can America weather a tax increase?

10. How pertitent are ACORN’s activities to this year’s presidential election?

Extemp Questions for the Week of October 7th-13th, 2008

1. How can the world stop the financial crisis?

2. Is the war in Afghanistan lost?

3. Will the Ayers attacks weigh down Obama?

4. Which party has the most to lose from the financial crisis?

5. How would Jacob Zuma reshape South African politics?

6. Are the culture wars dangerous for the U.S. political system?

7. Will federal money save the U.S. auto industry?

8. Should the West embrace Belarus?

9. Why is the EU in disarray over its climate change policy?

10. How can the music industry best combat piracy?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 30th-October 6th, 2008

1. Why did the bailout bill fail?

2. Are workplace raids an effective deterent to illegal immigration?

3. Will the failed bailout hurt the GOP in November?

4. How should the world fight piracy off of Somali’s coast?

5. Is a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank feasible?

6. Why is India seeing an increase in homegrown terrorism?

7. How important is the upcoming vice-presidential debate between Biden and Palin?

8. Will Ecuador’s new constitution be a boon for the country?

9. Is the Berlusconi government to blame for xenophobic attacks on foreigners?

10. Are voters perceptions of the economy locked in?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 23rd-29th, 2008

1. Is Congressional resistance to the federal government’s economic rescue plan justified?

2. Will Tzipi Livni be able to form a government?

3. Can Taro Aso reverse the LDP’s political fortunes?

4. Is early voting a good idea?

5. Why did Mbeki resign?

6. Who is the biggest winner of the mess on Wall Street?

7. Will there be a political impact to the Chinese tainted milk scandal?

8. If the Muslim Brotherhood won power in Egypt, how would it change the dynamics of the Middle East?

9. Should standardized tests be administered in public universities?

10. How should the U.S. respond if North Korea restarts its nuclear program?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 16th-22nd, 2008

1. Should the U.S. have bailed out Lehman Brothers?

2. How should the Obama camp take on Palin?

3. What do recent elections say about Angola?

4. How should the U.S. rethink the war on cancer?

5. Are voting irregularities fixed in time for the 2008 presidential election?

6. Can Stephen Harper and the conservatives win a majority in the upcoming Canadian elections?

7. Should Russia be expelled from the G8?

8. Will the recently brokered Zimbabwe power sharing agreement hold?

9. Should the EU admit Ukraine?

10. Will the U.S. Congress ratify the India nuclear deal?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 9th-15th, 2008

1. Is John McCain’s surge in the polls sustainable?

2. Are bilateral trade deals more beneficial than multilateral ones?

3. Was the government’s takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac necessary?

4. How would North Korea be different without Kim Jong Il?

5. Should California change its budget-making process?

6. Was the recent EU-brokered Georgia-Russia peace deal a farce?

7. Is the state of US-Libyan relations one of President Bush’s top foreign policy achievements?

8. Should the world do more to assist improverished countries prepare for natural disasters?

9. Should Gordon Brown have endorsed Barack Obama?

10. Is Mexico making progress in its fight against corruption?

Extemp Questions for the Week of September 2nd-8th, 2008

1. Is Palin the right VP choice for McCain?

2. Were the GOP’s convention changes appropriate?

3. Should the U.S. be concerned about China’s space program?

4. What does the next generation of Libyan politics look like?

5. Who will be the next Japanese prime minister?

6. Is South Ossetia like Kosovo?

7. What has caused the recent outbreak of political violence in Thailand?

8. Is Europe too indecisive on Russia?

9. Has the U.S. begun to forget about Iraq?

10. What political fallout, if any, will come from the handling of Hurricane Gustav?

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