Month: March 2010

News Quiz Answers for the Week of March 1st-5th, 2010

Here are the answers for this week’s extemp news quiz.

R&D: Justice Dept. Looks into Voting Machine Merger, Brazil’s Stance on Iran, and Bernanke Lectures the Senate on the Budget Deficit

Here is your R&D top five for March 4th:

Justice Dept. probes voting machine merger as midterm elections loom and questions multiply from the Minneapolis Star Tribune

How to Read Brazil’s Stance on Iran from the Council on Foreign Relations

Bernanke to Senate:  If You Want to Fix Job Deficit, Don’t Forget Budget Deficit from the Christian Science Monitor

Chile quake reconstruction ‘to take up to four years’ from the BBC

Syria: Israel trying to frame us from the Jerusalem Post

R&D: Texas Governor’s Race Set for November, GOP Disputes Military Study on Gays, and the Controversy Over the Pentagon Budget

Here is your R&D top five for March 3rd:

Perry to face showdown against White in November from the Houston Chronicle

GOP dismisses military study on gays as biased from the Miami Herald

The Pentagon’s Runaway Budget from Foreign Policy in Focus

Argentina celebrates diplomatic coup as Hillary Clinton calls for talks over Falklands from the London Times

Chalabi takes center stage in Iraq from the Asia Times

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of March 2nd-8th, 2010

1.  Will the use of budget reconciliation to enact healthcare reform destroy the Democrats chances of retaining control of Congress in 2010?
2.  Which side should the U.S. take in the latest Falkland Islands dispute?
3.  Will Charlie Rangel lose his chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee?
4.  Is Jim Bunning being unfairly criticzed for blocking a vote on extending unemployment benefits?
5.  What accounts for America’s Winter Olympics performance?
6.  Can Jerry Brown save California?
7.  Should the federal government increase fuel taxes?
8.  Will the firing of teachers at Central Falls High School become a national trend?
9.  Why was Rick Perry able to defeat Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Texas GOP gubernatorial primary?
10.  Will Arlen Specter be able to defeat Pat Toomey this November?

R&D: Rahm Emanuel Trying to Steer the President in a Different Direction, Greek Corruption is on the Rise, and Jerry Brown Enters the California

Here is your R&D top five for March 2nd:

The Rahm bomb from the Guardian

Greek Corruption Booming, Says Transparency International from Der Spiegel

Brown in the race to get state “working again” from the San Francisco Chronicle

The Threat from Jamaat-ul Mujahideen Bangladesh from the International Crisis Group

The Weakening of Turkey’s Military from the Council on Foreign Relations

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of March 2nd-8th, 2010

1.  What grade does the Chilean government deserve for its response to the nation’s recent earthquake?
2.  Would an EU bailout for Greece weaken investor confidence in the euro?
3.  Will Russia rebound from its Olympics flop?
4.  Why has Gordon Brown seen a bounce in the polls?
5.  Are closer ties with the EU in Ukraine’s best interest?
6.  Will Karadzic’s trial end up like Milosevic’s?
7.  Is Nigeria on the verge of a civil war?
8.  How will the declaration of two biblical tombs in the West Bank as Israeli heritage sites impact the prospects of a future Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement?
9.  Does the Marja offensive show that the Afghan military is improving its skills?
10.  Will the Iraqi elections see the reemergence of Ahmad Chalabi as a force in Iraqi politics?

R&D: Security Concerns After the Chile Earthquake, GOP Moderates Gain Ground in Congress, and Israeli Spies in Lebanon Are Caught

Here is your R&D top five for March 1st:

Security concerns spread as Chile quake death toll rises from CNN

GOP moderates poised to gain ground in Congress from the Los Angeles Times

Israeli Spies in Lebanon:  Not Much Success from the Economist

European Union Moves Toward a Bailout of Greece from the New York Times

The Tea Party is a dynamic force, but it is still unruly and incoherent from the Guardian

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of March 1st-March 5th, 2010 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your Extemp Central short answer news quiz for this week.  Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of March 1st-5th, 2010 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz for this week.  Good luck!

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