Here is an archive of topic briefs on Extemp Central, dating back to the Extemp Question Central days on geocities.

June 2016 Topic Briefs

Turkey’s War with the PKK Last topic brief of the 2015-2016 season!

Voter Apathy in the United States

May 2016 Topic Briefs

First Quarter GDP Numbers (2016)

The Decline of Leftism in Latin America

The North Korean Threat? (2016)

U.S.-Vietnamese Relations (2016)

April 2016 Topic Briefs

Fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh

Reconstructing Libya

The Fight for $15

The North Carolina “Bathroom Bill”

March 2016 Topic Briefs

Apple’s FBI Battle

Iran’s Elections (2016)

The Belgian Terror Attacks

The EU-Turkey Migrant Deal

The State of the Republican Race (2016)

February 2016 Topic Briefs

Saudi Anxieties

The Death of Antonin Scalia

The Ongoing War in Syria (2016)

The Zika Virus

January 2016 Topic Briefs

Rahm Emanuel Under Siege

The Flint Water Crisis

The Jakarta Terrorist Attack

The Possible “Brexit”

December 2015 Topic Briefs

Burundi’s Unrest

Russian-Turkish Tensions

The Every Student Succeeds Act

The Impeachment Trial of Dilma Rousseff

November 2015 Topic Briefs

2015 Elections Recap

Myanmar’s National Elections (2015)

Speaker Paul Ryan

The Paris Climate Talks

October 2015 Topic Briefs

A Third Intifada?

Canada’s Parliamentary Elections (2015)

Russia’s Intervention in Syria

The American Gun Control Debate

September 2015 Topic Briefs

John Boehner’s Resignation

Nepal’s New Constitution

Rising College Costs

The Colombian-Venezuelan Border Crisis

The Right to Die Movement

August 2015 Topic Briefs

China’s Currency Devaluation

Donald Trump’s Presidential Candidacy

Greece’s Snap Election

Poaching & Global Wildlife Conservation

2015 National Speech & Debate Association Extemp Topic Area Analysis by Logan Scisco

2015 NSDA Extemp Topic Area Analysis

2014-2015 Topic Briefs

2014 Midterm Elections Recap

American Education Reform (2015)

Brazil’s Presidential Election (2014)

Burger King’s Tax Inversion

Collapsing Oil Prices (2014)

Ebola in the United States (2014)

Eric Holder’s Resignation

Europe’s Migrant Crisis

France and Islamic Extremism

Greece’s Future (2015)

Hillary Clinton in 2016

Hong Kong’s Political Protests

Instability in Yemen (2015)

Investigating FIFA

Israel’s New Elections (2014)

Nepal’s Earthquake

Nicaragua’s Grand Canal

Nigeria’s Presidential Election (2015)

Normalizing U.S.-Cuban Relations (2014)

Operation Freedom’s Sentinel

Pakistani Political Protests

Police Reform Last topic brief of the 2014-2015 season!

President Obama’s Executive Action on Immigration

President Obama’s Iraq Policy

Raising Interest Rates (2015)

Russia’s Economic Difficulties (2015)

Terrorism in Ottawa

The Assassination of Boris Nemtsov

The British Parliamentary Election (2015)

The California Drought (2014)

The Case for Catalan Independence

The Chicago Mayoral Election (2015)

The China-U.S. Climate Deal

The Fate of Abenomics

The FCC’s Net Neutrality Decision

The Prospects for a Colombian Peace

The Scottish Independence Referendum

The State of the Union and the Politics of 2015

The State of the U.S. Economy (2014)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership

The U.S. Bird Flu Outbreak

The Vaccination Debate

The West African Ebola Outbreak (2014)

U.S.-Iranian Relations (2015)

Venezuela’s Economic Problems (2014)

2014 National Speech & Debate Association Extemp Topic Area Analysis by Carolyn Evans & Logan Scisco

2014 NSDA Extemp Topic Area Analysis

2013-2014 Topic Briefs

2013 Australian Elections

2013 Elections Recap

2013 German Elections

2013 Venezuelan Municipal Elections & The Venezuelan Economy

Affordable Care Act (2013)

America’s Heroin Crisis

American Unemployment (2014)

Argentina’s Economic Dysfunction

Bangladeshi Political Violence

Brazil’s Struggles (2014)

Chemical Weapons Use in the Syrian Civil War

Common Core Standards

Detroit’s Bankruptcy

Edward Snowden & U.S.-Russian Relations

Egyptian Unrest & U.S. Aid

Fast Food Strikes

Government Shutdown Aftermath (2013)

Government Shutdown & Debt Ceiling Debate (2013)

Healthcare.Gov Problems

Immigration Reform (2014)

Iraq Violence (2013)

ISIS in Iraq Last topic brief of the 2013-2014 season!

Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve

Japanese Foreign Relations with China & South Korea (2014)

Libyan Instability

Matteo Renzi & Italian Reforms

Net Neutrality

Raising the Minimum Wage

Sochi Olympic Concerns

South Sudan’s Civil War (2014)


Thailand’s Political Dysfunction (2014)

The Asian Space Race

The Death Penalty Debate

The EPA Carbon Regulations

The Farm Bill (2014)

The Gay Marriage Debate

The Rise of Nigeria

The Rise of the European Far-Right

The Temporary Iranian Nuclear Deal

The U.S.-Afghan Bilateral Security Agreement

The Veterans Affairs Scandal

Ukraine’s Political Crisis

U.S.-Russian Relations (2014)

The Westgate Mall Shooting

Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia Free sample (R&D not included)

2008-2009 Topic Briefs

2008 Canadian Elections

2008 Democratic March Presidential Primaries

2008 Gaza Conflict

2008 Kenyan Elections

2008 Presidential Election Recap

2008 Zimbabwean Elections

2009 Afghan Elections

2009 German Federal Elections

2009 Israeli Elections

AIG Bonuses

American Education (2008)

America’s Healthcare Debate

Bear Stearns

Bill Clinton’s Visit to North Korea

Birth of Kosovo

Bolivian Autonomy

Budget Deficit Politics

Fidel Castro Leaves

China’s Economic Growth

Colombian Free Trade Agreement

David Souter Retirement

G-20 Summit (2009)

G-20 Summit II (2009)

Hillary Clinton’s Asia Tour

Iranian Nuclear Controversy (2008)

Missile Defense Adjustments in Europe

Myanmar’s Struggles

New RNC Chairman Michael Steele

North Korean Aggression (2009)

Oil (2008)

Omar al-Bashir Arrest Warrant

Pope Benedict XVI’s Visit to America

President Obama’s Budget Plans

The Obama Stimulus Plan

The Politics of National Security

Russia-Ukraine Gas Dispute

Six Days to Go:  A Countdown to the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

Social Security & Medicare Spending

Somali Politics (2008)

Somalia (2008)

South African Politics (2008)

Sri Lankan Civil War

Stephen Harper’s Minority Government

Super Tuesday (2008)

Swine Flu Outbreak

Tea Parties & State Sovereignty Resolutions

Tensions in North Korea (2009)

The Blagojevich Scandal

The Great Bailout

The Mumbai Attacks

The Roland Burris Situation

The State of Afghanistan (2008)

The U.S. Auto Industry (2008)

Tibet Protests

Turkey Banning the AK Party

“You Lie!”:  The Joe Wilson Incident

Zimbabwe’s Unity Government

Geocities Archive of Topic Briefs

2008 Presidential Election Recap by Logan Scisco (November 2008)

2012 GOP Presidential Contenders by Logan Scisco (September 2010)

2013 Judicial Issues by Logan Scisco (June 2013)

America’s Credit Crunch (Predicting the 2008 Financial Crisis) by Logan Scisco (September 2007)

American Education by Logan Scisco (November 2007)

American Healthcare by Logan Scisco (October 2007)

Budget Deficit Politics by Logan Scisco (September 2009)

Chinese Domestic Policy by Michael Garson (February 2008)

David Souter Retirement by Logan Scisco (May 2009)

Disproportionate Minority Confinement Part I & Part II by Bill Thompson (August 2014)

East Asia (Japan & Korea) by Michael Garson (October 2007)

French Pension Reform by Logan Scisco (September 2010)

G-20 Summit by Logan Scisco (October 2009)

Healthcare Debate Part I & Part II by Logan Scisco (November 2009)

High Oil Prices by Logan Scisco (October 2007)

Hillary Clinton’s Asia Tour by Logan Scisco (February 2009)

International Economics by Michael Garson (November 2007)

International Organizations & Perspectives by Michael Garson (January 2008)

Iowa Caucuses (2008) by Logan Scisco

Iran by Michael Garson (January 2008)

Iraq by Michael Garson (October 2007)

Israel’s Election by Logan Scisco (February 2009)

Kerry-Lugar Bill by Logan Scisco (October 2009)

Latin America by Michael Garson (December 2007)

Leftism in Latin America by Sarah Anand (March 2009)

The Middle East (Excluding Iran & Iraq) by Michael Garson (September 2007)

Myanmar by Logan Scisco (November 2007)

New Hampshire Primary (2008) by Logan Scisco (December 2007)

New Jersey Governor’s Race by Logan Scisco (October 2009)

North Korean Aggression (June 2009)

Nuclear Armament by Michael Garson (November 2007)

Obama’s Noble Prize by Logan Scisco (October 2009)

Omar al-Bashir Arrest Warrant by Logan Scisco (March 2009)

Poverty by Bill Thompson (November 2008)

Public Opinion by Michael Garson (September 2008)

RNC Chairman Michael Steele by Logan Scisco (February 2009)

Russia’s Foreign Policy by Sebastian Pyrek (September 2008)

Sino-American Relations by Michael Garson (February 2008)

South African Politics by Logan Scisco

Space Junk by Logan Scisco (March 2009)

Syria and Iran as Agents of Change in the Middle East by Omar Qureshi (October 2008)

Western Europe by Michael Garson (September 2007)