Category: Final Round Analysis

2021 NSDA Nationals: Final Round Analysis for International Extemp

The 2021 National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) International Extemp final round is done. Here is Extemp Central’s brief summary and analysis of this year’s final round. Awards are scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. CST this evening and they will be streamed at this link.

Analysis of this round is provided by Logan Scisco and Jacqueline Wei. Analysis from Tanner Jones will come later when he is able to view the final round as he had a technical problem for the first half of it.

2021 NSDA Nationals: Final Round Analysis for U.S. Extemp

The 2021 National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) United States Extemp final round is in the books. Here is Extemp Central’s brief summary and analysis of this year’s final round. Awards are scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. CST this evening and they will be streamed at this link.

Analysis of this round is provided by Jacqueline Wei, Tanner Jones, and Logan Scisco.

Jacqueline competed for Plano West Senior High School in Plano, Texas, and graduated in 2019. She is the 2018 & 2019 NSDA USX national champion & President’s Bowl winner, the 2019 MBA champion, the 2018 Texas and 2019 UIL State champion, and the 2019 Northwestern Extemporaneous TOC champion. She currently attends Harvard University.

Tanner competed on the national extemp circuit for Edina High School for two years. He was the only extemper to reach both NCFL and NSDA national finals while he was in high school. He has privately coached UKTOC finalists, NCFL finalists, and MBA invites. He now coaches extemp for his alma mater, Edina HS. He is the camp director for Extemp Institute — sign up today!

Reader’s Note:  Since Tanner coaches Ananth Veluvali, his ranks only include five competitors so he does not rank his own student.  However, his comments about his own competitor are listed for readers.

2016 NSDA Nationals: IX Final Round Analysis


SLC NationsThe 2016 National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) International States Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s brief summary and analysis of this year’s final round. Awards are scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m. EST this evening and they will be streamed at this link.

Note:  242 extempers competed in International Extemp at this year’s national tournament.

2016 NSDA Nationals: USX Final Round Analysis


SLC NationsThe 2016 National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) United States Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s brief summary and analysis of this year’s final round. Awards are scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m. EST this evening and they will be streamed at this link.

Note:  252 extempers competed in U.S. Extemp at this year’s national tournament.

Sources Used in the 2015 NSDA Final Rounds


Dallas 15As another fun exercise, Extemp Central totaled all of the sources used in the International and United States Extemp final rounds to see which sources were most commonly used in each competition.

Of all publications, The Washington Post was cited the most, with the publication being cited nine times in the International Extemp final and seven times in the United States Extemp final.  One wonders whether this is due to the quality of The Washington Post‘s journalism or if it is due to the fact that it is one of the few big national sources that extempers can cut for free.  The New York Times was in the top three of both extemp categories as well, being the second-most cited publication in the International Extemp final and the third-most cited publication in the United States Extemp final.

A major difference between the two finals is that the International Extemp final saw a greater use of think tanks and scholarly journals.  For example, extempers in that round cited Foreign Policy in Focus, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.  United States extempers did make use of some non-newspaper and magazine sources such as the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Brookings Institution, and the Center for American Progress, but these were not cited as often as the other final round.

For those squads looking to diversify their files for next season, these lists may help you determine what you should consider including in your files.

2015 NSDA Nationals: IX Final Round Analysis


Dallas 15With the conclusion of International Extemp, all of the extemporaneous speaking rounds are finished at the 2015 NSDA National Tournament. All that is left is to find out how they ended up and awards can be streamed at this link starting at 6:00 p.m. CST.

Note #1: Notable judges for this round include Robert Kelly of Chesterton Senior High School, coach of the 2002 International Extemp national champion; MBA Extemp Round Robin tournament director Adam Johnson; NSDA Board of Directors Member Pam McComas; and Maria Casa from the Council on Foreign Relations

Note #2: The official number of extempers in International Extemp at this year’s national tournament was 242

2015 NSDA Nationals: USX Final Round Analysis


Dallas 15The 2015 National Speech and Debate Association (NSDA) United States Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s brief summary and analysis of this year’s final round. Awards are scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m. CST this evening and they will be streamed at this link.

Note #1: Some notable judges for this round include Todd Hering of Eastview High School, coach of the 2004 and 2005 U.S. Extemp national champion; Mario Herrera of Henry W. Grady High School in Georgia, coach of the National Points Race runner-up in 2012; and Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin tournament director Adam Johnson.

Note #2: The official number of contestants this year in U.S. Extemp was 244.

2014 NSDA Nationals: IX Final Round Analysis


NFL Overland ParkThe International Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of this year’s final round. Awards will take place at 6:00 p.m. CST tonight. They will be streamed at this link.

Note: Notable judges for the final round include MBA tournament director Adam Johnson; Maria Casa, the director of national programming and outreach administration for the Council on Foreign Relations; and Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander.

Note #2: This year’s national tournament saw 236 students compete in International Extemp.

2014 NSDA Nationals: USX Final Round Analysis

NFL Overland Park


The United States Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of this year’s final round. Awards will take place at 6:00 p.m. CST tonight. They will be streamed at this link.

Note: Notables judges for the final round include Lisa Miller of Nova High School, coach of the 2011 NFL USX national champion; 1988 and 1989 NFL USX national champion David Kensinger; MBA tournament director Adam Johnson; and Sharon Volpe of North Allegheny Senior High School, coach of the 2009 NFL IX national champion.

Note #2: 247 competitors squared off in USX at this year’s national tournament.

2013 NFL Nationals: International Extemp Final Round Analysis

The International Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of the final round. Extemp Central provides a quick breakdown of the speeches and ranks the round. Awards will take place tonight at 7:00 EST and when the results are made official, we will bring them to you here at Extemp Central.

Notable Fact: “The World Next Week” is the topic area for this round.

Notable Fact #2: Robert McMahon, editor of, is on the judging panel.

2013 NFL Nationals: United States Extemp Final Round Analysis

The United States Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of the final round. Extemp Central provides a quick breakdown of the speeches and ranks the round. Awards will take place tonight at 7:00 EST and when the results are made official, we will bring them to you here at Extemp Central.

Notable Fact: “The U.S. Next Week” is the topic area for this round.

Notable Fact #2: 244 contestants were in USX at this year’s national tournament.

Notable Fact #3: Lisa Honeyman of Newton South High School, coach of the 2008 USX national champion, is on the judging panel.

Notable Fact #4: All of the finalists are underclassmen, which is very impressive!  Congratulations to all six of these underclassmen for making the final round.

2012 NFL National Tournament: International Extemp Final Round Analysis

The International Extemp final round has concluded. Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of the final round. Extemp Central provides a quick breakdown of the speeches and ranks the round. Awards will take place tonight and when the results are made official, we will bring them to you here at Extemp Central.

Notable Fact: Dr. Steve Moss, national circuit judge, and Jason Mehta, founder of is on this judging panel. Also, Robert McMahon of the Council on Foreign Relations is on this judging panel, which is really cool.

Notable Fact #2: 235 extempers competed in International Extemp this year at the NFL National Tournament.

Notable Fact #3:  If you didn’t stop by the Livestream chat you missed out.  Two-time NFL national champion and former CFL national champion Kevin Troy was there, as was Kevin Yi, runner-up in U.S. Extemp last year, and Forrest Richardson, a past semi-finalist in USX and MBA participant.

2012 NFL National Tournament: United States Extemp Final Round Analysis

The United States Extemp final round has wrapped up. Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of the final round. Extemp Central provides a quick breakdown of the speeches and ranks the round. Awards will take place tonight and when the results are made official, we will bring them to you here at Extemp Central.

Random Observation:  That Ronald Reagan video was quite ominous. A more fitting ending to it might’ve been the detonation of Tsar Bomba.

Notable Fact: Lisa Miller of Nova High School, who coached last year’s U.S. Extemp national champion Jared Odessky is on the judging panel.

Notable Fact #2: 248 competitors entered U.S. Extemp this year at the NFL National Tournament.

2011 NFL National Tournament: International Extemp Final Round Analysis

The International Extemp final round has just concluded.  Here is Extemp Central’s analysis of the final round.  Extemp Central provides a quick breakdown of the speeches and ranks the round.  A video will be posted this afternoon where more detail will be provided on the rounds and why they were ranked as such.  Awards will take place tonight and when the results are made official, we will bring them to you here at Extemp Central.

2011 NFL National Tournament: United States Extemp Final Round Analysis

The final round of United States Extemporaneous Speaking has just concluded at the 2011 National Forensic League National Tournament.  Extemp Central provides a quick breakdown of the speeches and ranks the round.  A video will be posted this afternoon where more detail will be provided on the rounds and why they were ranked as such.  This was posted in haste, so I apologize for any grammatical errors.

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