Month: September 2010 Page 2 of 5

R&D: The Feds Push to Use Internet Wiretaps, Chavez Suffers a Political Setback, and Sodium Tripental Shortage Halts Lethal Injections

Here is your R&D for September 27th:

Wiretapped phones, now the Internet? from the New York Times (courtesy of the Minneapolis Star Tribune)
In a move that alarms privacy advocates, national security officials are pushing for the ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects on the Internet.

Elections a Blow for Chávez? from the Council on Foreign Relations
Venezuela’s recent National Assembly elections have curtailed the power of Presidnet Hugo Chavez.  His political opposition won 61 seats, which takes away Chavez’s two-thirds majority in the legislature.

Drug shortage prompts U.S. executions “Russian roulette” from the Los Angeles Times
The shortage of sodium tripental, used in the legal injection process, has forced several states to delay scheduled executions.

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of September 27th-October 1st, 2010 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of September 27th-October 1st, 2010 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

Strategy: Five Ways to Improve the Organization of Your File Boxes

Since extemporaneous speaking is a limited preparation event, it is crucial that extempers be as organized as possible.  This is very crucial when it comes to filing.  Extemp files that are unorganized are not useful and greatly hamper the chances of an extemper to do well at a tournament.

To help novice and veteran extempers alike, Extemp Central presents five tips that can make your file boxes more organized and effective.

R&D: Congress Puts Off Fight on Bush Tax Cuts, Teresa Lewis Executed in Virginia, and Israel is Possibly Ready to Compromise on Settlements

Here is your R&D for September 24th:

Congress Punts on Taxes from the Wall Street Journal
In the midst of a very politicized environment, Democrats have abandoned plans to extend the Bush tax cuts to the middle class until after the November elections.

Teresa Lewis executed in Virginia despite protests from the Guardian
Early this morning, Virginia executed Terea Lewis for the plotting the murders of her husband and stepson in 2002.  Lewis is the first woman to be executed by the state of Virginia since 1912.  The execution was controversial because of Lewis’s low IQ.

Israel ‘ready to compromise’ on settlements from the Agence France Presse
With Israel’s settlement freeze set to expire shortly, the Israeli government has signaled that it would be open to compromising with the Palestinians on settlement construction.  However, the Israeli government refuses to freeze all settlement construction in the West Bank.

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of September 20th-24th, 2010

Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz. Pick well and good luck!

First National Points Race Standings Are Up!

The first standings in the 2010-2011 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted.  These standings reflect the results of the Wake Forest National Early Bird Tournament.  You can check out the standings by clicking on the National Points Race tab above or by clicking here.

The standings will be updated next week to reflect the results of the Yale Invitational, which is happening this weekend in New Haven, Connecticut.

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R&D: Clinton Offers Advice to Obama, the Republicans Make a Pledge to America, and What America Should Do About the Latest Japan-China Diplomatic Crisis

Here is your R&D for September 23rd:

Bill Clinton offers formula for Barack Obama success from Politico
Former President Bill Clinton has some advice for President Obama and Democrats heading into the 2010 midterms:  find a national message that independent voters will find more attractive than the Republican alternative.

House Republicans to Present Their Plan from the New York Times
Today, House Republicans will present their “Pledge to America”, which outlines their positions on spending, entitlements, government reform, health care, and national security.

Upping the Ante in China-Japan Clash from the Council on Foreign Relations
Japan’s arrest of the captain of a Chinese fishing boat has sparked a diplomatic crisis.  Sheila A. Smith, a Senior Fellow for Japan Studies, discusses why this issue is important for U.S. foreign policy.

R&D: Obama’s War Strategy Criticized in New Book, Lawrence Summers Announces that He is Leaving, and Sudan Fears its Future

Here is your R&D for September 22nd:

Obama presidency ‘hobbled by discord’ according to book from the Guardian
Extempers might receive questions soon about Bob Woodward’s new book Obama’s Wars, which chronicles the way that President Obama has fought the war in Afghanistan.  This article summarizes the arguments made in the book and argues that it may hurt Democrats in the midterm elections.

Obama’s top economic adviser leaving from the Washington Post
Under fire because of the country’s economic problems, President Obama’s top economic advisor, Lawrence H. Summers, has announced that he will step down after the midterms and return to Harvard University.

Sudanese fear future as historic referendum looms from the Agence France Presse
By January 9th, Southern Sudan will vote on whether to become an independent nation.  The vote, taking place in sub-Sarahan Africa’s third largest oil producing nation, has citizens in the North and the South on edge and some experts fear a return to civil war.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of September 21st-27th, 2010

1.  Should South Africa nationalize its mining industry?
2.  Is Nick Clegg doing a poor job representing the Liberal Democrats in Britain’s governing coalition?
3.  Why are Europe’s left leaning parties in disarray?
4.  Is it in Japan’s best interest to defuse its diplomatic crisis with China?
5.  Should the Sweden’s Green Party join the Alliance coalition?
6.  Is a binational state the only way to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
7.  How can the AU make its mission in Somalia more effective?
8.  Will Kim Jong-Un scrap North Korea’s nuclear program?
9.  Was Afghanistan’s parliamentary election a failure?
10.  Would a global tax on financial transactions improve efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goals?

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Local Results: The Woodlands High School Speech and Debate Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results from the Woodlands High School Speech and Debate Tournament, held at Woodlands High School on September 17th and 18th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Elizabeth Byrne (Northland Christian School)
2nd:  Amelia Pellicciotti (Jersey Village High School)
3rd:  Brian Hodge (Cypress Falls High School)
4th:  Morgan Lawson (Northland Christian School)
5th:  Logan Griffith (Klein High School)
6th:  Katherine Ray (A&M Consolidated High School)
7th:  Robert Blum (Klein Collins High School)
8th:  Cyrah Franklin (Magnolia High School)

Local Results: The Alief Elsik Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results from the 2010 Alief Elsik Tournament, held at Elsik High School on September 17th and 18th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Nikita Kansra (Travis High School)
2nd:  Reid Geissen (Lamar High School-Houston)
3rd:  Lynn Phan (Alief Taylor High School)
4th:  Gregory Ross (Lamar High School-Houston)
5th:  Eduardo Reyes (Mayde Creek High School)
6th:  Ashely Alcantara (Lamar High School-Houston)
7th:  Anthony Phung (Alief Kerr High School)
8th:  Jesse Martinez (Katy High School)

Local Results: La Vernia TFA Bear Brawl (Texas)

Here are the results from the 2010 La Vernia TFA Bear Brawl Tournament, held at La Vernia High School on September 17th and 18th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Erwin Reschke (MacArthur High School)
2nd:  Sydney Scott (Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School)
3rd:  Hannah Beck (MacArthur High School)
4th:  Rohit Chandan (MacArthur High School)
5th:  Josh Gutierrez (Three Rivers High School)
6th:  Brayan Barrios (Memorial High School)

Local Results: Robert E. Hendrickson Hawk Classic (Texas)

Here are the results from the 2010 Robert E. Hendrickson Hawk Classic, held at Robert E. Hendrickson High School on September 17th and 18th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  William Hoenig (Lake Travis High School)
2nd:  Adam Williams (Lake Travis High School)
3rd:  Ellen Hense (Pflugerville High School)
4th:  John Wooding (Lake Travis High School)
5th:  Hayley Fick (Montgomery High School)
6th:  Chinmay Baxi (Anderson High School)

R&D: Obama Hints at Changes to His Economic Team, Netanyahu Details Plans for a Military Presence Near a Palestinian State, and Jerry Brown’s Possible Strategy in California

Here is your R&D for September 21st:

Obama Hints at High-Level Changes from the Wall Street Journal
With bad results forecast for the 2010 midterms, President Obama is looking to shake up his economic team.  Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers are rumored to be on the chopping block.

Netanyahu Seeks Military Force on Any Palestinian State’s Eastern Border from Bloomberg
In a move that could complicate the Middle East peace process, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that a peace agreement with the Palestinians must allow for an Israeli military presence on the eastern side of an independent state.

Would ‘one term’ pledge get Jerry Brown past Meg Whitman in California? from the Christian Science Monitor
With the California governor’s race in a dead heat, political analysts are speculating whether Attorney General Jerry Brown would benefit by promising voters that he would only serve one term.

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