Month: October 2010 Page 3 of 6

Local Results: 2010 Loretto Academy Fall Classic (Texas)

Here are the results from the 2010 Loretto Academy Fall Classic, held at Loretto Academy on October 15th and 16th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Monica Sosa (Coronado High School)
2nd:  Jessica Rubio (Big Spring High School)
3rd:  Sofia Al-Dasouqi (Coronado High School)
4th:  Julian De La Paz (Cathedral High School)
5th:  Lee Walker (Coronado High School)
6th:  Thalia Moreno (Burges High School)

Local Results: 2010 Hastings Bears & Westside Wolverines Into the Woods TFA Swing Invitational (Texas)

Here are the results of the Hastings Bears & Westwide Wolverines Into the Woods TFA Swing Invitational Tournament, held at Alief Hastings High School on October 15th and 16th.

Hastings Portion

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Elizabeth Byrne (Northland Christian School)
2nd:  Gregory Heugel (Lamar Consolidated High School)
3rd:  Lynn Phan (Alief Taylor High School)
4th:  Alex Abston (Northland Christian School)
5th:  Maggie Zhou (Clements High School)
6th:  Daniel Warwick (Cypress Creek High School)
7th:  Derrick Rice (Garland High School)
8th:  Steven Palasi (Hightower High School)

R&D: Russia Agrees to Build Venezuela a Nuclear Reactor, Sarkozy Promises to Crack Down on Protests, and the Road to Negotiations in Afghanistan

Here is your R&D for October 19th:

Russia to Build A Nuclear Power Plant in Venezuela from the Latin American Herald Tribune
In a move that alarms U.S. diplomats and nuclear non-proliferation experts, Russia signed an agreement with Venezuela last Friday to build the nation’s first nuclear power plant.

France’s Sarkozy: We’ll crack down on protests from the Associated Press
Facing protests against his pension reform package, French President Nicolas Sarkozy pledged to crack down on violent protesters today.  Protests have created a fuel shortage and created problems for air travelers.

The Road to Negotiations in Afghanistan from the Council on Foreign Relations
In this interview, Max Boot, the Council on Foreign Relations Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies, discusses the need for military pressure on the Taliban if negotiations are to become viable.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of October 19th-25th, 2010

1.  What would a sensible “clean energy” strategy for the U.S. look like?
2.  Why is the NRA rallying around endangered Democrats?
3.  Should the NRSC do more to help Christine O’Donnell?
4.  How can the GOP make more inroads on the “left coast”?
5.  Should John Ashcroft be held personally responsible for the detention and interrogation of Abdullah Al-Kidd?
6.  Did Jack Conway’s “Aqua Buddha” ad go too far?
7.  Should the Fed pursue the ‘inflation option’?
8.  Would a tougher foreign policy towards China bolster President Obama’s political standing?
9.  Should felons have the right to vote?
10.  Dino Rossi:  Will beta finally become alpha?

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St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Results Corrected

Several readers pointed out some inaccuracies in our report about St. Mark’s results.  In International Extemp, Karthik Sastry of Montgomery Bell Academy took fourth and Nikki Sachdeva of Plano East High School took fifth.  In United States Extemp, Shikha Garg of Plano Senior High School took fourth, while Neal White of Lake Travis High School took fifth.

Extemp Central apologies for the errors and thanks its readers for pointing them out so that they could be immediately corrected.  The initial results page for St. Mark’s has been updated to reflect these changes and can be found here.

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Local Results: 2010 Titan Invitational (Florida)

Here are the results for the 2010 Titan Invitational, held at Nova High School on October 15th and 16th.

Champion:  Matt Linn (The University School)
2nd: Rohit Bhandari (J.P. Taravella High School)
3rd:  Eryn Hughes (St. Thomas Aquinas High School)
4th:  James Fishback (Western High School)
5th:  Bruno Mastrodicasa (St. Thomas Aquinas High School)
6th:  Timothy Deaver (Suncoast Community High School)

All finalists received TOC bids.

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R&D: Obamacare Endangers Democrats, Russia Risks Unrest According to Gorbachev, and China’s VP is a Step Closer to the Top

Here is your R&D for October 18th:

Dems Find Careers Threatened by Obamacare Votes from the DC Examiner (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)
According to conservative columnist Michael Barone, a vote for President Obama’s healthcare reform plan will be political death for many Democrats this November.  Find out who is in trouble in this piece.

Russia Risks Mass Unrest Under Current Regime, Gorbachev Says from Bloomberg
Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has warned the Kremlin that if it fails to listen to the Russian people it may witness mass protests and disorder.  He also says that Russia has yet to go halfway down the road to freedom that he began to steer Russia on in the late 1980s.

China Vice-President given key military posting from the Agence France Presse
Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping, the son of Xi Zhongxun, a communist guerrila who fought with Mao Zedong, was named vice-chairman of a military commission today.  Chinese experts believe that this makes him a likely successor to current Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2013.

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of October 18th-22nd, 2010 (Short Answer Version)

Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of October 18th-22nd, 2010 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

2010 St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational: Narayanan and Sachdeva Split Titles

Over the weekend, extempers from Texas, Iowa, and Tennessee battled it out at the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational in Dallas, Texas.  The tournament allowed extempers to participate in International and United States Extemp categories and broke to quarter-finals this year.  In International Extemp, Akshay Narayanan of Plano Senior High School in Texas emerged victorious.  Nikki Sachdeva of Plano East High School in Texas won the United States Extemp portion.

Here are the results from the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational.  Thanks to Adam Johnson and local Texas sources, we are able to give you the results of the final rounds of International and United States extemp as well as the semi-finalists in each category.

R&D: U.S. Backs off Chinese Currency Dispute, Netanyahu Warns of Lebanon Becoming an Iranian Satellite, and GOP Fundraising Surges

Here is your special R&D weekend edition for October 17th:

U.S. backs off in currency dispute with China from Reuters
On Friday, the Obama administration backed away from a showdown with China over its currency as the Treasury Department delayed a decision on whether to label China as a currency manipulator.

Lebanon becoming Iranian satellite, Netanyahu warns from the Jerusalem Post
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned over the weekend that Lebanon is becoming an Iranian satellite in the Middle East.  Netanyahu’s remarks follow Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon last week.

GOP candidates surge ahead in fundraising from the Washington Post
For much of the midterm election cycle, Democrats have outfundraised Republicans.  However, Republican congressional candidates have taken the lead, which will give them a huge advantage in the two weeks before Election Day.

Five Senate Races to Consider in 2010

Until early November, extempers can expect to run into lots of questions about the midterm elections.  These questions may ask you which party will win the elections, what the biggest issue in the elections is going to be, or about specific races happening throughout the country.  Usually, if you get a question about a specific race it will be about a Senate or governor’s race because those typically attract more attention than House races.  Extempers should have files on the major races and get to know the candidates in those races.  To get an idea of what the major races are, extempers should go to the Cook Political Report or Real Clear Politics and see the races that are classified as “tossups.”  The “tossup” label designates races where the Democratic and Republican candidates have a chance to win.  If you are new to extemp, you will see this labels again in 2012 for the presidential campaign.

This small list provides you with five Senate races to consider this election cycle.  Having a file on each of these races would be a good idea.

Extemp Central National Points Race: How Points Will Be Awarded for St. Mark’s

Starting tomorrow, the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational will take place in Dallas, Texas.  The tournament is unique in that it allows extempers to do both United States and International Extemp.  The St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational is a fifth tier tournament and is the third tournament of the year in the Extemp Central National Points Race.

To award points at this event, Extemp Central will combine extempers performance in U.S. and International Extemp categories.  For each part of the tournament extempers will receive points based on their finish.  The points awarded go as follows:

R&D: The Justice Department Sues New York Over Overseas Ballots, Colombia Wins Security Council Spot, and Home Foreclosures Top 100k in September

Here is your R&D for October 14th:

New York is sued for missing deadline on overseas ballots from the Washington Post
The Justice Department has sued the state of New York for missing deadlines to mail ballots overseas troops.  The state’s inability to meet the deadline violates the 2009 MOVE Act, which required that states mail absentee ballots to troops, government workers, and other Americans living abroad 45 days before Election Day.

Colombia Wins Spot on UN Security Council from the Latin American Herald Tribune
On Tuesday, the UN General Assembly elected Colombia to hold one of the two non-permanent seats on the Security Council reserved for Latin America for 2011-2012.  Colombia ran unopposed and won 186-0 with five abstentions.  Colombia now joins Brazil as the Latin American representatives on the Security Council.

September home foreclosures top 100,000 for first time from Reuters
In a sign that the depressed housing market is still bottoming out, banks took over 100,000 homes last month.  However, foreclosures are likely to slow post-September because banks are working through questionable paperwork.

Local Results: Samford University’s Bishop Guild Debates (Alabama)

Here are the results from the Samford University “Bishop Guild Debates”, held October 8th-9th in Birmingham, Alabama.

CHAMPION: Karthik Sastry (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
2. Partha Reddy (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
3. Will Stewart (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
4. Hamilton Millwee (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
5. Armand Jhala (Montgomery Bell Academy, Tennessee)
6. Carlisle Shelson (St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Mississippi)

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