Month: November 2010 Page 5 of 7

Local Results: The Basset @ Bel Air TFA State Qualifying Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results of the Basset @ Bel Air TFA State Qualifying Tournament, held on November 5th and 6th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Aleksey Zebrowski (Franklin High School)
2nd:  Jessica Rubio (Big Spring High School)
3rd:  Fabiola Porras (Coronado High School)
4th:  Khamisie Green (Odessa High School)
5th:  Forrest McJunkin (Big Spring High School)
6th:  Chris Ramos (Americas High School)
7th:  Marco Herrera (Cathedral High School)
8th:  Myranda Fernandez (Loretto Academy)

Local Results: The Klein High School Tournament (Texas)

Here are the results of the Klein High School Tournament, held on November 5th and 6th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Oliver Mao (Clements High School)
2nd:  Elizabeth Bryne (Northland Christian School)
3rd:  Laura Elizondo (Cypress Woods High School)
4th:  Allyse Griffin (Jersey Village High School)
5th:  Maggie Zhou (Clements High School)
6th:  Amelia Pellicciotti (Jersey Village High School)
7th:  Taylor Horton (Clements High School)
8th:  Shania Hunt (Northland Christian School)

Local Results: The Clear Lake Falcon Classic (Texas)

Here are the results of the Clear Lake Falcon Classic TFA Qualfying Speech and Debate Tournament, held at Clear Lake High School on November 5th and 6th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Gregory Ross (Lamar High School)
2nd:  Zhelun Chen (Clear Creek High School)
3rd:  Hunter Bodirord (ClearBrook High School)
4th:  Alex Hoyer (Lamar High School)
5th:  Johnathan Moore (Friendswood High School)
6th:  Shibam Dave (Pearland High School)

Local Results: The WB Ray TFA Qualifier (Texas)

Here are the results of the WB Ray 45th annual TFA Qualifier, held on November 5th and 6th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Nick Brown (Bishop High School)
2nd:  Hira Baig (Kepmner High School)
3rd:  Vegas Longlois (King High School)
4th:  Devon Krisch (Tuloso-Midway High School)
5th:  Danyal Rizvi (Kempner High School)
6th:  Brandon Daniels (Kempner High School)

Local Results: The Fall Forensics Festival (Texas)

Here are the results of the Fall Forensics Festival, held at MacArthur High School on November 5th and 6th.

U.S. Extemp

Champion:  Morgan Medlar (Winston Churchill High School)
2nd:  Sydney Scott (Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School)
3rd:  Jason Messmer (La Vernia High School)
4th:  Allie Woodhouse (Winston Churchill High School)
5th:  Fiona Wilson (Westlake High School)
6th:  Griffin Rubin (Saint Mary’s Hall)

R&D: U.S. Shifts Toward India, Why Nancy Pelosi Should Stay, and GOP Outreach to Latino Voters

Here is your R&D for November 8th:

Obama confirms US strategic shift towards India from the BBC
President Obama confirmed America’s foreign policy shift towards India over teh weekend when he announced that he would support India’s bid to have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

The Case for Nancy Pelosi’s Staying Put from Time
Should Nancy Pelosi remain the head of the Democrats in the House?  This article from Time says that she should so that she can defend her record as Speaker.

Rubio Republicans from the Wall Street Journal
Will the GOP lose the Hispanic vote if it continues to talk tough on immigration?  Not according to this article, which argues that the GOP can do just fine as long as it promotes a message of economic opportunity.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of November 8th-12th, 2010 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your short answer Extemp Central news quiz for this week. Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of November 8th-12th, 2010 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

R&D: Obama’s India Trip Irks Pakistan, Burma’s Elections Will Not be Fair, and Malloy Appears to Win Connecticut’s Close Governor’s Race

Here is your R&D for November 5th:

Obama’s India trip stirs fears in Pakistan about power balance from the Washington Post
President Obama’s three day trip to India, which starts this weekend, has antagonized Pakistan. Pakistan, India’s major opponent in the region, is not getting a visit from Obama and it worries that the Obama administration is unwilling to help resolve issues it has with India over Kashmir.

Burmese Election Holds Little Hope for Democracy from Der Spiegel
Myanmar (Burma) holds its first democratic elections in more than 20 years on Sunday, but the international community does not believe that they will be fair and that the nation’s junta will further consolidate its power.

Bridgeport mayor: Democrat for Conn. gov wins city from the Associated Press
The mess that is Connecticut’s gubernatorial race seems closer to a conclusion after the announcement this morning that Democratic candidate Dan Malloy won the city of Bridgeport, whose votes had not been fully counted, by over 13,000 votes. This margin appears to give Malloy more than a 5,000 vote advantage statewide against Republican challenger Tom Foley.

2010 Florida Blue Key: Calder Wins International, Odessky Wins U.S., Chiodo and Slotkin Final in Both

Last weekend, competitors converged on the University of Florida for the 2010 Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate Tournament.  The tournament allowed extempers to do International and United States Extemporaneous Speaking and there was a lot of volatility in the final results.  Joseph Calder of Cary Academy in North Carolina, who was invited to compete at this year’s George Mason University Patriot Games Round Robin, won the International Extemp competition, while Jared Odessky of Nova High School in Florida won the United States Extemp competition.  Odessky adds this title to the International Extemp title he won last year at Blue Key.  Catherine Chiodo of Des Moines Roosevelt High School in Iowa, who will also be competing at the George Mason Round Robin, and Brandon Slotkin of Nova High School in Florida were the only extempers to final in both extemp categories.  Chiodo placed fourth in the United States Extemp portion and sixth in the International Extemp portion and Slotkin took fifth in both categories.

Since the Florida Blue Key is a qualifier for the 2011 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC), all of the competitors listed below earned TOC bids.

Here are the results from the 2010 Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate Tournament:

Local Results: The Campbell County Haunted Invitational (Kentucky)

Here are the results of the Campbell County Haunted Invitational, held at Campbell County High School on October 30th.

Champion:  Caleb Taylor (Ryle High School)
2nd:  John Aroutuinian (Henry Clay High School)
3rd:  Ben Swanson (Henry Clay High School)
4th:  Leslie Rowen (Ryle High School)
5th:  Daniel Kozar (Ryle High School)
6th:  Taylor Beegle (Henry Clay High School)

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Local Results: The El Dorado High School Tournament (New Mexico)

Here are the results of the Eldorado High School Tournament, held at Eldorado High School on October 29th.

International Extemp

Champion:  Alex Wirth (Sante Fe Preparatory School)
2nd:  Cody Walizer (La Cueva High School)
3rd:  Quinlan Cao (East Mountain High School)
4th:  Andrew Lin (La Cueva High School)
T5th:  Lauren Buchanan (Sante Fe Preparatory School)
T5th:  Conor Sullivan (Sante Fe Preparatory School)

Local Results: The GlenOak Novice Invitational (Ohio)

Here are the results of the GlenOak Novice Invitational, held on October 30th.

International Extemp

Champion:  Abhishek Bhargava (Jackson High School)
2nd:  Ryan Benger (Jackson High School)
3rd:  Joe Fahmy (Jackson High School)
4th:  Shane Stockall (Perry High School)
5th:  Micah Johnson (Jackson High School)
6th:  Brooke Hisrich (GlenOak High School)

Local Results: The Springfield Novice Invitational (Ohio)

Here are the results of the Springfield Novice Invitational, held on October 30th.

International Extemp

Champion:  Brian Duricy (Howland High School)
2nd:  Nikhil Nader (Howland High School)
3rd:  Maya Condori (Boardman High School)
4th:  Richie Abel (Canfield High School)
5th:  Tommy Sodeman (Boardman High School)
6th:  Melissa Eperjesi (Cardinal-Mooney High School)

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R&D: Jerry Brown’s Faces Problems in California, GOP Makes Gains in State Legislatures, and Australia’s Asylum Center Plan Falls Flat

Here is your R&D for November 4th:

Jerry Brown’s election doesn’t ensure end to gridlock from the Los Angeles Times
California voters returned Jerry Brown to the governor’s mansion on Tuesday and helped some of their state’s budget woes by passing Proposition 25, which now allows the state legislature to pass a budget by a majority (although a two-thirds majority is still required for tax measures).  However, Brown and state Democratic leaders will need to get along to steer California back to fiscal solvency.

Republican election surge hits U.S. state houses from Reuters
The 2010 midterms didn’t just reshape national politics, it affected politics at the state level as well.  The GOP has won at least 18 state legislative chambers, which brings their control nationally to 54 chambers.  These gains are important because these state legislatures will be redistricting House seats for the next national election in 2012.

Australia’s Julia Gillard struggles to sell asylum center plan to neighbors from the Christian Science Monitor
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is seeking to defuse criticisms about illegal immigration by pursuing an asylum plan with other nations in Southeast Asia.  Unfortunately, none of them have committed to the plan.

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