Month: December 2010

Wasting Prep Time: Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things

Most pictures of North Korea’s revered leader Kim Jong-Il show him looking at things.  Whether it be on a tour of the country’s military outposts, economic facilities, or during a meeting with top diplomats of other nations, Kim Jong-Il is always looking at something.

A fun website has taken the time to assemble pictures of Kim Jong-Il.  Called “Kim Jong-Il Looking at Things“, the site shows viewers photos of, well, Kim Jim Jong-Il looking at things!  So check it out to kill some down time.

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R&D: States Face Big Budget Gaps, Hamas Says it Would Recognize a Referendum on Peace with Israel, and Genachowski Releases Plan for Net Neutrality Today

Here is your R&D for December 1st:

States face $41 billion in budget gaps from CNN
It’s always good for extempers to have evidence in their files about the state of the state economies.  This article provides details of the fiscal problems facing states for the 2012 fiscal year.

Hamas would honor referendum on peace with Israel from Reuters
Hamas, the Islamic political and militant organization that opposes Israel’s existence, announced today that it would accept the outcome of a Palestinian referendum on a future peace treaty with the Jewish nation.

FCC chairman to propose plan for net neutrality from the Washington Post
Julis Genachowski, the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), plans to announce his neutrality proposal today.  Net neutrality would not allowed Internet providers from favoring or discriminating against traffic that goes over their networks.

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of November 29th-December 3rd, 2010

Here are the answers to this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of November 30th-December 6th, 2010

1.  What is responsible for the recent increase in the high school graduation rate?
2.  Should Congress allow emergency unemployment benefits grind to a halt?
3.  Is Arizona’s campaign finance law constitutional?
4.  What is the likelihood that Congress passes the DREAM Act during the lame duck session?
5.  Will Joe Miller’s refusal to concede the Alaskan Senate election push Lisa Murkowski away from the GOP?
6.  Is the controversy over airline screening practices much ado about nothing?
7.  How will the arrival of Mark Kirk to the U.S. Senate impact the lame duck session?
8.  Will President Obama’s decision to freeze the pay of federal workers help him score political points?
9.  Is the GOP dead in California?
10.  Will the WikiLeaks controversy hinder President Obama’s foreign policy?

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