There are several updates for this year’s Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) that have recently been added to the site.  The Extemp TOC has made several changes to this year’s qualification process.  The biggest is that legs at invitational tournaments will be based on the size of the field.  To better understand this process, you can visit the Extemp TOC’s website or read our description, which is available when you click on the “TOC” tab above (don’t click on any of the submenus).  Also, in an attempt to encourage more state champions to attend, all state champions of their 2011 state tournament (if held after April 15th last year) and all state champions of their state tournaments that happen prior to April 15, 2012 will receive an entry fee waiver to this year’s event.

The 2011-2012 Extemp TOC calendar has been updated.  The dates for three tournaments, the Fayette Classic, the University of Pennsylvania Liberty Bell Classic, and the Northwestern Invitational could not be found.  If you have these, please e-mail them to me at [email protected].  You can check out the updated TOC calendar by clicking here or by placing your mouse over the TOC tab and clicking one of the drop down menus.

Also, the TOC qualification board has been updated to reflect Wake Forest and Yale.  Due to this year’s changes to the qualification process, it is VERY important that Extemp Central receive tab sheets OR accurate information about entries from all tournaments that are TOC qualifiers.  Otherwise, it will make it difficult for us to keep the qualification board accurate.  The new qualification board can be found by clicking here or by placing your mouse over the TOC tab and clicking one of the drop down menus.

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