Month: January 2011 Page 5 of 6

MBA Extemp Round Robin Fast Facts

Excluding Montgomery Bell Academy, which three schools have had the most entrants to the Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin since its inception in 1999?

Live from the 2011 MBA Extemp Round Robin: Round 2 Pairings Released

After finishing up round one, competitors are currently prepping for round two.  This will be the last round of the first day of the tournament.  Each extempers National Points Race rank is identified within parenthesis to the left of their name.

The topic area for this round is international economics.

Live from the 2011 MBA Round Robin: Round 1 Pairings

Here are the pairings for the first round of the 2010 Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin.  The National Points Race rank for each extemper is identified within parenthesis to the left of their name.

The topic area for this round is domestic politics.

Kimia Dargahi, Amode Tembhekar, Jason Singh, and Nabeel Zewail conduct the first extemp draw at the 2011 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin.

Poll: Which extemper will win the 2011 MBA Round Robin?

2011 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin Schedule

Below is the schedule for the 2011 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin.  Readers can follow this schedule so they know when to check back for postings and other tournament news.  Keep in mind that the times listed below have been converted from central time to eastern time. The tournament starts tomorrow evening and runs through Sunday afternoon.

2011 MBA Extemp Round Robin: Sweet Sixteen Part IV

Here is the very last installment of profiles for the sixteen competitors who will be at the 2011 MBA Extemp Round Robin.  This last installment runs down two of the three California extempers in the field, a top ten competitor in this year’s National Points Race, and one of the more unknown extempers in MBA history.

Don’t forget to check back tonight and vote in our MBA Round Robin poll.  We will release the tournament schedule this evening so you know when to check back for pairings, pictures, and additional Round Robin news.  There will be no R&D tomorrow because of our MBA coverage.

R&D: Gibbs Resigns as White House Press Secretary, Nearly 20 Democrats Vote Against Pelosi as Speaker, and Hungary Challenges the EU

Here is your R&D for January 6th:

Gibbs says he’ll serve Obama better from outside from the Washington Post
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has tendered his resignation effective in early February.  Political analysts say that Gibbs is leaving to give President Obama a spokesperson for his re-election campaign in 2012.

19 Democrats vote against Nancy Pelosi from Politico
During a roll call vote for Speaker of the House yesterday, 19 Democrats refused to back former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s candidacy.  The rebuke was the biggest by a party against their former speaker since the 1920s.

Hungary Poses a Serious Challenge for the EU from Der Spiegel
Just when you thought that the European Union had enough to deal with, Hungary is posing new challenges for the organization.  Restrictive laws on the country’s media and the imposition of a “crisis tax” have openly challenged EU goals.

2011 MBA Extemp Round Robin: Sweet Sixteen Part III

Here is the third day of profiles for the competitors attending the 2011 Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin.  Three of the four competitors profiled today have not traveled the national circuit extensively this year, but that does not mean that they can’t do significant damage this weekend in Nashville.

Check back for the last batch of profiles tomorrow on Extemp Central, when we will provide information on Peter Vogel, Matthew Yasuoka, Kevin Ye, and Nabeel Zewail.  Also, late tomorrow evening come back to Extemp Central to vote in our 2011 MBA poll.  Cast your vote for who you think will win this year’s MBA Extemp Round Robin.

R&D: Salman Taseer’s Death Puts Pakistan on Edge, States Pursue Immigration Measures, and Turkey Flexes New Muscle in Iraq

Here is your R&D for December 5th:

Pakistan braces for turmoil ahead of Salman Taseer funeral from the Guardian
Salman Taseer, a moderate Pakistani provincial governor, was shot dead by a bodyguard yesterday for opposing the nation’s blasphemy laws.  Some fear that his death demonstrates the growth of radical Islam within Pakistan.

Factbox: State immigration measures from Reuters
Feeling that the federal government has failed to control immigration, states are beginning to take their own steps to deal with the issue.  This factbox article breaks down the moves by several states to target illegal immigrants and workers.

Resurgent Turkey Flexes Its Muscles Around Iraq from the New York Times
Turkey’s influence in the Middle East is on the rise and it is making headway in Iraq with business, cultural, and educational contacts.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4th-10th, 2011

1.  Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger fail to change California?
2.  Can Carol Moseley-Braun beat Rahm Emanuel in the Chicago mayoral election?
3.  Should the U.S. look into adopting Israeli aviation security measures?
4.  Will high gas prices become a political nightmare for President Obama?
5.  Should the Senate’s rules in regards to filibustering be changed?
6.  Can the GOP successfully repeal President Obama’s healthcare plan?
7.  Will Michael Bloomberg recover from New York City’s recent snow debacle?
8.  Should the U.S. pay more attention to Lebanon?
9.  Will net neutrality harm innovation when it comes to the Internet?
10.  Would William Daley make a good chief of staff?

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of January 3rd-7th, 2011

Here are the answers to the first Extemp Central news quiz of 2011.

2011 MBA Extemp Round Robin: Sweet Sixteen Part II

Here is day two of our profiles of the sixteen competitors who will face each other this weekend at the 2011 Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin, a second tier tournament in this year’s National Points Race that will award 150 points to the winner.

Texas and California have the largest contingents at the tournament with three extempers each.  This is the fourth consecutive year at the Round Robin that Texas has either had or shared this distinction.   It also marks the second consecutive year that California has received three invitations to the Round Robin.

R&D: Netanyahu Slams Palestinian Refusals, William Daley Considered for White House Post, and India’s Response to Kashmir is Criticized

Here is your R&D for January 4th:

Netanyahu slams Palestinians’ new ‘three no’s’ from the Jerusalem Post
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slammed the refusal of the Palestinian Authority to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, drop their demand for Palestinian refugees to return to Israel, and to security arrangements.  Netanyahu is also in the process of trying to prevent other Latin American nations from extending recognition to a Palestinian state along pre-1967 borders.

Obama Said to Consider William Daley for Top White House Post from Bloomberg
In news that has sent shockwaves through Capitol Hill, President Obama is said to be considering naming former Commerce Secretary William Daley to a top White House post. Daley is the brother of outgoing Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

Shaking the mountains from the Economist
This Economist article criticizes India’s response to problems in Kashmir, which the Economist believes will merely inflame tensions and create another conflict.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 4th-10th, 2011

1.  What will be the world’s most dangerous hot spot in 2011?
2.  Is $100 a barrell oil in OPEC’s best interest?
3.  What does the conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky mean for Vladimir Putin’s political future?
4.  Will Greece’s planned anti-migrant wall stem illegal immigration?
5.  How can Japan shore up financing for its Social Security system?
6.  Is Netanyahu right to criticize the Palestinians for refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state?
7.  Would Southern Sudanese voters be making a mistake in voting for independence next week?
8.  Is Pakistan headed for a new round of elections?
9.  What will it take to make Laurent Gbagbo step down?
10.  Is the Egyptian government responsible for the recent suicide car bombing on a Christian worship service?

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Site News: E-Mail Address Change

Due to changes in the Western Kentucky University e-mail service, the e-mail address that you can reach us at for suggestions, results, etc. has changed.  The new address that you can reach us at is [email protected].  Change your e-mail address books accordingly!

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