Month: February 2011 Page 3 of 5

Local Results: 2011 Montville Speech and Debate Tournament (New Jersey)

Here are the results of the 2011 Montville Speech and Debate Tournament, held at Montville Township High School in Montville, N.J. on February 12th, 2011.

Champion: Nick Hansen (Ridge High School)
2nd Jay Patel (Ridge High School)
3rd Chase Harrison (Millburn High School)
4th Xena Itzkowitz (Freehold Township High School)
5th Nishwant Swami (The Delbarton School)
6th Alin Haruvay (Ridge High School)

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Local Results: The 5th Washington-Arlington CFL Tournament (Maryland)

Here are the results from the 5th Washington-Arlington Catholic Forensic League Tournament, held at Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland.

Champion:  Ben Constine (Yorktown High School, Virginia)
2nd:  Mike Neubauer (Walt Whitman High School, Maryland)
3rd:  Jacob Rosenblum (Walt Whitman High School, Maryland)
4th:  Helen Felker (Stone Ridge High School, Maryland)

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R&D: U.S. Lines Up Aid for Egypt, Iran Condemns Protesters, and Nye Says America is Not in Decline

Here is your R&D for February 15th:

U.S. tries to line up aid to help stabilize Egypt from the Los Angeles Times
U.S. officials are working with allies to create an aid package worth hundreds of milions of dollars for Egypt in order to assist in its political transition in the coming months.  Officials believe the aid will increase American influence in the area.

Iranian lawmakers condemn protests; call for execution of leaders from CNN
Iranian leaders condemned protests that happened yesterday in Tehran and have called for the execution of opposition leaders.  Iran denied foreign visas to journalists who wished to cover the protests.

The Misleading Metaphor of Decline from the Wall Street Journal (courtesy of RealClearWorld)
In this op-ed, Joseph Nye, professor at Harvard, argues that America’s decline is overstated by the global media and international actors.  According to Nye, America is likely to remain powerful for decades, although the number of powerful allies and adversaries is likely to increase.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 15th-21st, 2011

1.  Should Mubarak’s downfall be welcomed or feared by Iran?
2.  How can Africa save its cheetahs?
3.  Why is Russia going to the trouble of sparing with Japan over the Kuril Islands?
4.  Will the arrest of Lo Hsien-che wreck Taiwan’s military relationship with the United States?
5.  Is Mexico’s drug war an insurgency?
6.  Despite recent scandals, why is Silvio Berlusconi’s political position in Italy so strong?
7.  Should Hamas participate in September’s Palestinian elections?
8.  Would the adoption of more effective social and economic safety nets hinder Asian economies?
9.  Should Tunisia allow Italian police into their country to stop illegal immigration?
10.  How democratic will be the next Egyptian election be?

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TOC Qualifier Results: The Stanford University Tournament

Here are the results of the 2011 Stanford University Tournament, held on February 12-14th at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California.  The tournament was a TOC qualifier so all elimination round participants in United States and International Extemp earned TOC bids.  Thanks to the Stanford tab staff for putting the results of the tournament online.

United States Extemp

Champion: Louis Li (Monte Vista High School, California)
2nd: Ben Mabie (James Logan High School, California)
3rd: Bijan Mehryar (Monte Vista High School, California)
4th: Jason Kim (Monte Vista High School, California)
5th: Vinayek Ganeshan (Monte Vista High School, California)
6th: Ali Hasanain (Miramonte High School, California)
7th: Sarah Yu (Thomas Jefferson High School, Washington)

R&D: Why High Speed Rail is a Bad Idea, Americans Believe China is the World’s Economic Leader, and Gaddafi Tells the Palestinians to Peacefully Revolt

Here is your R&D for February 14th:

The Enemies of Good Government from Newsweek (courtesy of RealClearPolitics)
In this op-ed, Newsweek columnist Robert Samuelson discusses why government investment in high speed rail is a poor choice.

China Surges in Americans’ Views of Top World Economy from Gallup
A recent Gallup poll shows that 52% of Americans believe that China is the world’s economic leader.  32% of Americans believe that the United States is the world’s economic leader and only 7% say that for Japan.  Few Americans are confident the U.S. will change the dynamic anytime soon.

Gaddafi tells Palestinians: revolt against Israel from Reuters
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has urged Palestinian refugees to mass at the borders of Israel to force the Israeli government to give into their demands to return to the lands they lost in 1948.  Gaddafi hopes that Palestinians can use the recent uprisings in the Middle East to their advantage.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of February 14th-18th, 2011 (Short Answer Version)

Here is this week’s Extemp Central short answer news quiz. Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of February 14th-18th, 2011 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is this week’s Extemp Central multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

2011 Harvard National High School Invitational Forensic Tournament Preview

by Michael Barton

Michael Barton competed for Regis High School in New York City. He was the 2010 Harvard Champion, as well as the 4th place finisher at the NCFL Grand Tournament and 13th in foreign extemp at the NFL Tournament. He currently attends Yale University, where he is studying political science. He also competes regularly in parliamentary debate for the Yale Debate Association.

Each year in February, hundreds of high school speakers and debaters flock to Cambridge, Massachusetts to attend the massive Harvard Invitational. Although the tournament has attracted criticism in recent years for various inefficiencies and shortcomings, it undoubtedly constitutes one of, if not the, premier invitational tournaments on the circuit (Nationals and MBA aside). The tournament always attracts top tier talent, with three of the last four champions eventually going on to win NFLs (unfortunately I ended that streak). By and large, all criticisms considered, let me preface this by saying that I personally always enjoyed my time at the tournament immensely. I never had any complaints about the manner in which it was run, finding the prep room to be comfortable each year and the organizers approachable and helpful. That said, here are some things to keep in mind as you head into this year’s tournament:

Extemp Central Weekly News Wrap Up for the Week of February 7th-February 13th, 2011

The latest version of the Extemp Central weekly news wrap up discusses the end of the regular season and discusses the topic areas “Regional Conflicts” and “Global Challenges & Opportunities.”  If you have questions you would like to see answered in subsequent episodes, e-mail them to [email protected].

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R&D: White House in Disarray Over Egypt, GOP Divisions Show at CPAC, and Foot-and-Mouth Hits North Korea

Here is your R&D for February 11th:

Crisis Flummoxes White House from the Wall Street Journal
U.S. intelligence officials believed that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak was stepping down yesterday, but he shocked them by taking a more defiant stand.  The move has reportedly thrown the White House foreign policy staff into disarray.

Republican divisions on display at conservative summit from the BBC
The divisions in the Republican Party were apparent at the recent CPAC.  Fiscal, social, and national security conservatives butted heads and reports were that CPAC attendees were not too keen on any of the 2012 presidential hopefuls.

Foot-and-mouth outbreak hits North Korea from the Financial Times
North Korea’s food shortages are expected to get worse after a foot-and-mouth outbreak has reportedly sickened oxen, cattle, and pigs in the country.  It is estimated that more than 10,000 of these animals are infected.

R&D: GOP Proposes Deep Spending Cuts, Egypt Warns of Military Intervention in Protests, and Inter-Korean Talks Are Going Nowhere

Here is your R&D for February 10th:

GOP cuts deep as right revolts from Politico
In an effort to appease the Tea Party, House Republicans proposed tens of billions of dollars in spending cuts yesterday, but the cuts have come under fire as hurting minorities and the poor.

Egypt Foreign Minister Warns of Military Intervention from the New York Times
As the Egyptian protests entered their seventeenth day, the country’s foreign minister warned that if the situation becomes more chaotic that the army will intervene.

Shaky Restart to Inter-Korean Talks from the Council on Foreign Relations
Recent talks between North and South Korea appear to be going nowhere, as North Korea continues to accept responsibility for the sinking of the Cheonan and shelling of Yeonpyeong Island.

Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of February 7th-11th, 2011

Here are the answers for this week’s news quiz.

R&D: GOP Revolts on the Patriot Act, the Role of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egyptian Political Discussions, and Armenia and Azerbaijan Might be Headed for War

Here is your R&D for February 9th:

Republican-led House fails to pass short-term extension of Patriot Act from the Los Angeles Times
In what is seen as the first setback for the House Republican leadership and potentially the first revolt of the Tea Party, the House rejected a short-term extension of the USA Patriot Act yesterday.  Republican leaders sought a vote that would require two thirds approval so that amendments could not be added, but they fell six votes short.  Twenty-six Republicans voted against the measure.

No room at table for Muslim Brotherhood from the Boston Globe
Should the Muslim Brotherhood be able to sit at the negotiating table to fashion Egypt’s new political course?  According to the Boston Globe, no they should not because they are using liberty and justice to abolish liberty and justice within Egypt.

Armenia and Azerbaijan:  Preventing War from the International Crisis Group
Armenia and Azerbaijan have had border tensions for over a decade and international observers worry abut an arms race between both countries.  Read the full report (by clicking on “full pdf report” on the side of the webpage) from the International Crisis Group to get a better handle on the situation.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8th-14th, 2011

1.  Why does Hamid Karzai want NATO reconstruction teams out of Afghanistan?
2.  Do Britain’s banks need to increase capital controls beyond international standards?
3.  Will the latest inter-Korean talks go anywhere?
4.  What does the dispute over the 17th Karmapa say about the current state of relations between India and China?
5.  How can fraud be prevented in the Haitian runoff election?
6.  Should Spain legailiez the ETA’s new political party?
7.  Will the Ivory Coast be the next African nation to experience civil war?
8.  Should the UN send a peacekeeping force to secure the Cambodia-Thai border?
9.  What steps would bring more stability to the global food supply chain?
10.  Will Britain extradite Julian Assange to Sweden?

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