Month: February 2011 Page 4 of 5

2nd Annual Texas Capital City Extemp Round Robin Participants Announced

The list of participants in this year’s Texas Capital City Extemp Round Robin have been announced.  The tournament will feature sixteen Texas extempers and will take place this weekend at the Westover Church of Christ in Austin, Texas.  Extemp Central wishes these participants the best of luck and we will provide you with the results of the tournament next week.

*Lindsey Butler (Hendrickson High School)
*Ricky Chiang (Westwood High School)
*Jennifer Conner (Plano West High School)
*Kimia Dargahi (L.C. Anderson High School)
*Matthew Hinojosa (Flower Mound High School)
*William Hoenig (Lake Travis High School)
*Nick Lowrimore  (Southlake Carroll High School)
*Akshay Narayanan (Plano Senior High School)
*Alessandro Pauri (Flower Mound High School)
*Bushra Rahman (Alief Elsik High School)
*Jessica Rubio (Big Spring High School)
*Paul Samuel  (Southlake Carroll High School)
*Suchee Shah (Ronald Reagan High School)
*Arvind Venkataraman (Southlake Carroll High School)
*Neal White (Lake Travis High School)
*Joshua Yun (Flower Mound High School)

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Local Results: The University of Michigan “Wolverine” Forensic Tournament

Here are the results of the University of Michigan “Wolverine” Forensic Tournament, held on February 5, 2011 in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Champion:  Priva Menon (Skyline High School)
2nd:  Jordan Solano-Reed (Divine Child School)
3rd:  Matt Fligiel (Greenhills High School)
4th:  Kit Randolph (Greenhills High School)
5th:  Sean Weston (Romeo High School)
6th:  Gavin Buckley (Roeper High School)

R&D: President Obama Addresses the Chamber of Commerce, Palestinians Schedule Local Elections, and the ETA Establishes a New Political Party

Here is your R&D for February 8th:

Obama says businesses must hire, invest to grow economy from the Washington Post
President Obama addressed one of his harshest detractors, the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday and urged them to hire workers and invest in the economy.  President Obama also emphasized how companies need to share profits with their workers.

Palestinians to hold local elections July 9 from the Associated Press
The Palestinian Authority announced today that local elections will take place in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on July 9th.  However, Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, rejected the announcement.

‘New’ Eta political wing rejects violence from the Guardian
The ETA, a Basque terrorist group, has launched a new political party and has announced that it does not approve of the use of violence against the Spanish state.  The ETA hopes that the Spanish government will legalize the party and that it can stand for local elections in May.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 8th-14th, 2011

1.  Does the U.S. need a high speed rail system?
2.  Did AOL err in buying the Huffinton Post?
3.  Is the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act needed?
4.  How much of a blow is the decline of the DLC to the Democratic Party?
5.  Would Ronald Reagan support the Tea Party?
6.  Does the recent unemployment data suggest that the economy is gaining steam or that more workers are becoming discouraged?
7.  Do laws that label teenagers involved in sexting as sex offenders go too far?
8.  How detrimental would a Muslim Brotherhood-led government in Egypt be to America’s foreign policy objectives in the Middle East?
9.  Did President Obama come out ahead in his interview with Bill O’Reilly?
10.  Will severe winter weather create more skepticism towards climate change?

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TOC Qualifier Results: Apple Valley Minneapple Speech Tournament

Here are the results of the 2011 Apple Valley Minneapple Speech Tournament, held at Apple Valley High School in Apple Valley, Minnesota on February 5th.  The tournament was a qualifier for the 2011 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions at Northwestern University and all of the finalists earned TOC bids.  Thank you to the tournament directors for posting the results on Joy of Tournaments.

Champion: Ashesh Rambachan (Eastview High School, Minnesota)
2nd: Dylan Slinger (Lakeville South High School, Minnesota)
3rd: Kyra Stephenson (Eagan High School, Minnesota)
4th: Alex Smith (Benilde-St. Margaret’s School, Minnesota)
5th: Catherine Chiodo (Des Moines Roosevelt High School, Iowa)
6th: Caroline Miller (Mounds Park Academy, Minnesota)

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TOC Qualifier Results: The Pennsbury Falcon Invitational

Here are the results of the Pennsbury Falcon Invitational, held on February 4th-5th at Pennsbury High School in Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania.  The tournament was a qualifier for the 2011 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions at Northwestern University and all finalists earned TOC bids.  Thank you to the tournament directors for publishing the results of the tournament online.

Champion: Jacob Decoteau (Danville Area High School, Pennsylvania)
2nd: Kyle Mulholland (Holy Ghost Preparatory, Pennsylvania)
3rd: Jake Ethe (Half Hollow Hills High School, New York)
4th: Miranda Lupion (Half Hollow Hills High School, New York)
5th: Sara Gerdy (Danville Area High School, Pennsylvania)
6th: Steven Zhang (Danville Area High School, Pennsylvania)

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R&D: Egyptian Nobel Presidential Possibilies, Haley Barbour’s “Southern Handicap”, and David Cameron’s Leadership Style is Criticized

Here is your R&D for February 7th:

The Other Egyptian Nobelist in the Political Fray from Time
Mohamed El-Baradei isn’t the only Nobel Prize winner that Egyptian political observers should be watching.  1999 Chemisty Nobel Prize winner Ahmed Zewail, who is a professor at the California Institute of Technology, has also played a role in some of the latest political developments in Egypt.  As an interesting sidenote, Zewail is the father of Nabeel Zewail, who is currently second in the Extemp Central National Points Race.

Is Barbour’s Southern Handicap Overstated? from RealClearPolitics
Mississipi Governor Haley Barbour is considering a run for the presidency in 2012.  Observers believe that his southern roots would hurt him in the GOP primary and general election, but is that really the case?

Laid-back David Cameron should tighten his grip from the UK Telegraph
As Britain experiences stagflation and a reduced international reputation, British Prime Minister David Cameron is taking criticism for a lax and slow management style.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of February 7th-11th, 2011 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your multiple choice news quiz for this week. Pick well and good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of February 7th-11th, 2011 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your multiple choice news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

2010-2011 National Points Race Standings Are Updated to Reflect the Barkley Forum

The 2010-2011 Extemp Central National Points Race and National Team Points Race standings have been updated to reflect the results of the Barkley Forum. The tournament only caused a few minor positions to change in the rankings.  You can find out what those changes are by clicking on the National Points Race tab above or by clicking here.

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R&D: Jordan’s Protests, Myanmar Elects a President, and An Analysis of the Groups Challenging the Yemeni Government

Here is your R&D for February 4th:

Jordan: Heightened Instability, But Not Yet a Major Crisis from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Jordan is experiencing protests that mirror those happening in Egypt.  However, King Abdullah was quick to fire his government and that appears to have taken some momentum out of the protests for the time being.

Military Insider Selected as Myanmar’s President from the New York Times
Thein Sein, an army bureaucrat and former prime minister, was elected as Myanmar’s new president today.  The election was done by Myanmar’s new parliament, meeting for the first time under a new constitution.  However, it is expected that General Than Shwe will still be controlling the government’s actions.

Factbox: Groups challenging Yemen’s government from Reuters
In this factbox article, Reuters breaks down the groups that are challenging the Yemeni government.  This is a good background article that extempers can utilize in any speech about unrest in Yemen.

2011 Extemp TOC: TOC Qual Board is Updated to Reflect the Barkley Forum, the Schwan’s Speech Spectacular, and CSU Fullerton

The qualification board for the 2011 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions has been updated to reflect the results of last week’s Barkley Forum and Schwan’s Speech Spectacular tournaments.  Also, we have obtained the results of the Cal State University, Fullerton Tournament that was held in October thanks to Josh Samra, so those results are also reflected in the qual board.

Ten extempers qualified to the Extemp TOC after entering these results, bringing the total number of extempers qualified to 215.  California gained four quals, more than any other state, and is now tied with Florida with the second most number of quals at twenty-one.  Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee each gained one qualifier last week. Twenty-four extempers earned their first TOC leg last week and the total number of potential qualifiers now stands at 307. This weekend there are two TOC qualfying tournaments:  the Pennsbury Falcon Invitational in Pennsylvania and the Apple Valley Minneapple Speech Tournament in Minnesota. If anyone is attending and can send us the names of elimination round participants and subsequent results we would appreciate it.

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R&D: Violence Erupts in Egypt, the Senate Repeals Part of the Healthcare Law, and Central Asia is in Decay

Here is your R&D for February 3rd:

Night of violence in Egypt leaves six dead from the Financial Times
The tense situation in Egypt has finally erupted into violence as pro and anti-Mubarak forces collided last night.  Six Egyptians were killed and more than 800 were injured.

Senate repeals part of health care law from Politico
Yesterday, the Senate voted 81-17 to repeal the healthcare reform law’s 1099 reporting requirement, which had been criticized by business groups.  However, the Senate voted along party lines, 47-51, against repealing the entire law.

Central Asia: Decay and Decline from the International Crisis Group
Despite a good deal of international aid being directed towards Cental Asia in recent years, corruption has eaten away most of it and that has created political instability in the area.  The International Crisis Group provides a detailed .pdf report on the consequences of continued neglect by governments in the region.

R&D: Al-Qaeda Close to Using Dirty Bombs, Tea Party Targets GOP Candidates in 2012, and Republican Presidential Contenders Schedule Trips to Israel

Here is your R&D for February 2nd:

‘Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb’ from the Vancouver Sun
In a shocking report released by WikiLeaks, NATO security chiefs argue that al-Qaeda is on the verge of using radioactive “dirty bombs” in its attacks.  NATO believes that some of these weapons could be used in Afghanistan against NATO forces.

Tea Party Gets Early Start on G.O.P. Targets for 2012 from the New York Times
The Tea Party movement is already targeting GOP candidates that it wants to oust in party primary races in 2012.  Among those on the chopping block are Richard Lugar of Indiana, Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Orrin Hatch of Utah.  Some of the moves don’t necessarily reflect ideology as much as a desire for new blood in Washington.

Israel Is Top Foreign Destination for 2012 Republicans from RealClearPolitics
Perspective Republican presidential candidates are making Israel a top destination as they lay the groundwork for 2012.  Among those who have made the trip include Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, and Haley Barbour.

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of February 1st-7th, 2011

1.  Is the Obama administration making a mistake in distancing itself from Hosni Mubarak?
2.  Should America’s economic policy be focused more on start ups instead of large corporations?
3.  Is Jon Huntsman the new Mike Pence in the GOP primary field?
4.  Will Republicans succeed in their push to reduce foreign aid?
5.  Would a push for stricter gun control laws help the Democratic Party?
6.  Will Roger Vinson’s ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act survive judicial scrutiny?
7.  What can the U.S. do to recruit more minority teachers? 
8.  Can Scott Brown win re-election next year without Tea Party support?
9.  Should the president be given emergency powers to shut down the Internet?
10.  Is a new aviation bill an effective jobs measure?

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