Month: May 2011 Page 2 of 4

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 24th-May 30th, 2011

1.  What impact will President Obama’s call for Israel to return to pre-1967 borders have on the Middle East peace process?
2.  Is President Obama now violating the War Powers Act in regards to Libya?
3.  What is the most effective way to cut defense spending?
4.  Was the filibuster of Goodwin Liu justified?
5.  If you were Herman Cain’s campaign manager, what would be your strategy to help him win the GOP presidential nomination?
6.  Will Vermont’s single payer healthcare system be effective?
7.  Should McDonald’s get rid of Ronald McDonald?
8.  Is the School Turnaround and Rewards Act an effective supplement to No Child Left Behind?
9.  What state will be the key to the 2012 presidential election?
10.  Will Democratic efforts to air ads against Mitt Romney during the GOP primary pay off?
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CFL R&D Part II: World Leaders, Domestic Economic Issues, and Health & Social Issues

Here is the second part of a special CFL nationals R&D.

World Leaders

Putin decides to retake presidency from the Australian Sunday Times
According to sources within the Russian government, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has decided to run for the Russian presidency in 2012. However, President Dmitry Medvedev may challenge Putin in that election.

Protesters Call for the Resignation of Georgia’s President from the New York Times
Protesters in Georgia are calling for the resignation of President Mikheil Saakashvili, who they say is stifling the implementation of pro-Western democratic reforms and failing to improve the country’s economic situation.

North Korea’s Leader Kim Jong Il Travels to China for Economic Guidance from Bloomberg
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is in China to learn about China’s economic restructuring. Chinese leaders hope that Kim Jong Il will use this knowledge to make North Korea more prosperous.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of May 23rd-May 29th, 2011 (Short Answer Version)

Here is your short answer Extemp Central news quiz for this week. Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of May 23rd-May 29th, 2011 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz for this week.  Pick well and good luck!

CFL R&D Part One: U.S. Politics, World Environmental Issues, and International Areas in Conflict

Here is a special CFL R&D that provides articles for three of the nine CFL extemp topic areas.  The second CFL R&D will come out tomorrow evening.

U.S. Politics

Daniels Decides Against Presidential Run from the Wall Street Journal

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has decided against running for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012.  Daniels becomes the latest GOP contender to drop out of the race.

A race in New York’s 26th Congressional district Tuesday could spell bad news for Republicans, as their chosen candidate is set to lose after facing a strong Democratic challenger who is running against the Republicans House budget plan and a strong independent candidate.

This article presents an analysis of the importance of the Iowa caucus, but argues that its system is a scam that suckers in candidates and forces them to spend a lot of money for nothing.

2011 Catholic Forensic League National Tournament Preview

by Mirza Germovic

Mirza Germovic competed for Theodore Roosevelt High School in Des Moines, Iowa.  He placed 3rd at the Catholic National Tournament last year and placed in finals at the St. Mark’s Tournament, George Mason Patriot Games and The Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC). Mirza now attends Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. where he is studying International Politics with the hopes of working in journalism. He shares his thoughts on competing and performing well at the Catholic National Tournament in this article for Extemp Central readers.      

CFL Nationals is not often viewed as prestigious as the NFL National Tournament – both for the  number of schools that attend and the talent they bring – however, competing and doing well there is just as big of reflection on one’s extemp skills as it will be to do well in Dallas in June of this year. It is easy for competitors, coaches and entire teams at the CFL tournament to lose sight of the fact that national titles are at stake – thinking that you can coast by for one round is enough to guarantee a not-so-happy fate.

State Results: 2011 Hawaii Speech League State Forensic Championship

Here are the results of the 2011 Hawaii Speech League State Forensic Championship, held on April 16th at Punahou School.  All of these finalists have earned automatic qualifications to next year’s Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Northwestern University.

Myrna Ishimoto United States Extemporaneous Speaking

Champion:  Shay Kauwe (Kamehameha Schools)
2nd:  Stephen Li (Punahou School)
3rd:  Ben Shiroma (Punahou School)
4th:  Kenneth Li (Iolani School)
5th:  Kaitrin Tobin (Iolani School)

State Results: Idaho High School Activities Association State Speech Championships

Here are the results of the 2011 Idaho High School Activities Association State Speech Championships, held on April 15th-16th, held at Lake City High School.  All of these finalists have earned automatic qualifications to next year’s Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Northwestern University.

Champion:  Max Johnston (Highland High School)
2nd:  Matthew Wittrock (Highland High School)
3rd:  David Delyea (Eagle High School)

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State Results: 2011 Oregon State Activities Association State Tournament

Here are the results from the 2011 Oregon State Activities Association State Tournament, held on April 21st-23rd at Western Oregon University.  All of these finalists have earned automatic qualifications to next year’s Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Northwestern University.

Champion:  Sofia Ellis-Curry (Glencoe High School)
2nd:  Alex Bean (McMinnville High School)
3rd:  Troy Phillips (Roseburg High School)
Finalist:  Aishwarya Subramanian (Lake Oswego High School)
Finalist:  Savan Patel (Beaverton High School)
Finalist:  Nicole White (Lake Oswego High School)
Finalist:  Heidi Rangel (Sam Barlow High School)

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Extemp Central News Quiz Answers for the Week of May 16th-May 20th, 2011

Here are the answers to this week’s news quiz.

2010-2011 National Points Race Standings Are Updated to Reflect the Extemp TOC

The 2010-2011 Extemp Central National Points Race and National Team Points Race standings have been updated to reflect the results of the Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions. Check out the newest standings by clicking on the National Points Race tab above or by clicking here.

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of May 17th-23rd, 2011

1.  Is the GOP presidential nomination now Mitt Romney’s to lose?
2.  Should Newt Gingrich have criticized Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan?
3.  How will the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn impact America’s relations with France?
4.  Are better relations with the Chinese military worth halting arm shipments to Taiwan?
5.  How should be done to stop the U.S. Postal Service from bleeding red ink?
6.  Did Mike Huckabee make a mistake by deciding not to run for president?
7.  Does Osama bin Laden’s death demonstrate the usefulness of enhanced interrogation techniques?
8.  After Tom Coburn’s withdrawal, will the “Gang of Six” survive?
9.  How will recent Mississippi flooding impact the U.S. economy?
10.  Is Mitch Daniels waiting too long to decide whether to enter the 2012 presidential contest?

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R&D: South African Voters Reconsider Their Options, Palestinian Non-Violence and U.S. Reaction, and the IMF’s Strauss-Kahn Challenge

Here is your R&D for May 17th:

South Africa election: Why some poor black voters may ditch the ANC this time from the Christian Science Monitor
Economic problems are causing some black South Africans to reconsider their political ties to the African National Congress (ANC) and that could cause the ANC to lose some municipal elections tomorrow.

Here comes your non-violent resistance from the Economist
If the Palestinians adopt more peaceful tactics to resist Israel, will the U.S. support them?  That’s a question this article from the Economist seeks to answer.

IMF’s Crisis-Management Challenge from the Council on Foreign Relations
The arrest of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn on sexual assault charges may impair the IMF’s role in the European debt crisis and the global economic recovery and for that reason, it may be wise for Europeans to avoid putting one of their own in charge of th

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of May 17th-23rd, 2011

1.  Is Great Britain withdrawing from Afghanistan too quickly?
2.  Would the Pakistani government benefit more by having a stronger relationship with China instead of the United States?
3.  How will the arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn impact the 2012 French presidential election?
4.  Is Belarus headed for a debt crisis?
5.  Will the Syrian government’s attempt to distract its population from domestic political problems work?
6.  Would Greece’s exit from the euro be legal?
7.  Is the ICC moving too quickly against Moammar Gaddafi?
8.  How should Guatemala confront rising drug violence?
9.  Will BP’s risky deal with Rosneft pay off?
10.  How can the Democratic Alliance increase its share of the black vote in South Africa? 

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R&D: U.S. Accuses Syria of Inciting Clashes on Israel’s Border, Ocampo Moves to Get an Arrest Warrant for Gaddafi, and Americans Say College is Too Pricey

Here is your R&D for May 16th:

U.S. accuses Syria of inciting Israel border clashes from Haaretz
The White House accused Syria of inciting a deadly border clash between Israeli troops and Palestinian demonstrators and claimed that the Syrian government is trying to use the incident to distract from its domestic political problems.

Top warcrimes prosecutor seeks Kadhafi warrant from the Agence France Presse
Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the head prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, applied for a warrant for Moammar Gaddafi’s arrest and the arrest of one of his sons and the Libyan head of intelligence for crimes against humanity.  Some critics claim the move could strengthen Gaddafi’s resolve.

Is College Too Pricey To Pay Off? 57% of Americans Say Yes from Time
Over half of Americans now say that the cost of college does not match the value of the education that students receive.  However, 86% of Americans say college was a good investment for them.

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