Month: April 2012

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of April 9th-15th, 2012 (Short Answer Version)

Here is this week’s short answer Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of April 9th-15th, 2012 (Multiple Choice Version)

Here is this week’s multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of April 3rd-9th, 2012

1. Why is North Dakota in better economic shape than other parts of the country?
2. How can Goldman Sachs satisfy unhappy shareholders?
3. What explains the recovery of the U.S. auto market?
4. Should U.S. immigration laws be amended for gay couples?
5. Are fears about homegrown terrorists in the United States overblown?
6. Can Burger King’s new menu help it overtake McDonald’s in the fast food market?
7. How can Mitt Romney defeat President Obama if conservative turnout is depressed?
8. Is Florida’s stand your ground law to blame for the Trayvon Martin controversy?
9. Will the Supreme Court render the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional by a margin greater than 5-4?
10. Are President Obama’s recent comments about the Supreme Court out of line?

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HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of April 3rd-9th, 2012

1. Why is the euro zone’s unemployment rate reaching a record high?
2. Has the Sudanese Civil War restarted?
3. Should European nations expel all of its radical Islamic preachers?
4. Will the use of sanctions be an effective weapon against Mali’s junta?
5. Were Egypt’s Coptic Christians wise to withdraw from the panel drafting the nation’s new constitution?
6. How should the international community respond if North Korea launches its latest rocket?
7. Will Aung San Suu Kyi and her allies victory in by-elections lead to the West lifting sanctions on Burma?
8. Are Argentinian claims to the Falkland Islands legitimate?
9. Can the Colombian government win a satisfactory peace from the FARC?
10. Will the peace agreement recently reached in Syria successfully put an end to the country’s political violence?

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