Month: June 2013

Topic Brief: 2013 Judicial Issues

by Logan Scisco

Judicial issues is a topic area that United States extempers face, usually at NFL Districts and the NFL National Tournament, although it is also a topic that can find itself used at local and state tournaments as well.  The judicial branch is one of the three branches of the U.S. national government and plays a vital role in defining the U.S. Constitution and weighing in on heated political, social, and economic issues.  This topic brief will break down some of the major issues that extempers might have to discuss on the judicial issues topic area and things they want to keep in mind when answering these questions.

R&D: NSA Still Collecting Telephone Records, Mexico’s Drug War Continued, Susan Rice is Chosen as the National Security Adviser, and More

NSA collecting phone records of millions of Americans daily from The Guardian
In this exclusive story, which will stir privacy advocates, The Guardian reveals that the National Security Agency is collecting telephone records of Verizon customers and has been doing so since April under a top secret court order.

After Six Years of Bloodshed, Mexico’s Drug War Shows Little Sign of Waning from The Atlantic
Mexico’s drug war, which has been a pressing topic for extempers for a very long time, continues to rage on. This article provides an overview of the violence and why it has no end in sight.

Obama picks loyalist Susan Rice as national security adviser from Reuters
In a move that has been billed as an “in your face” appointment to Republicans, President Obama selected Susan Rice as his new national security adviser yesterday. President Obama wanted Rice to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, but that did not occur because of fallout over the Benghazi situation.

What Are You Doing With Your Summer? Millburn Extemper Chase Harrison is Running for the Board of Education

While some extempers are busy preparing for NFL Nationals and others are enjoying the off-season, Millburn High School extemper Chase Harrison is preparing a run for a seat on his local board of education.  Harrison is a junior at Millburn and was the 2011 Yale University Invitational and 2012 Villiger extemp champion.  He was also a finalist at last year’s NFL National Tournament in United States Extemp and made the Exhibition Round at this year’s Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin.

To read about Chase’s entry into local politics, check out this news story.

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2013 Extemp State Champion Roll Call

Extemp Central would like to recognize this year’s extemporaneous speaking state champions. Based on the state championships results that we gathered and that were submitted to us, here is our 2013 extemp state champion roll call.

Note: This is a working document, so if you do not see the champion(s) of your state listed here, contact me at [email protected] and I will add them here and on our state champions page.

*-Denotes the number of times that a champion successfully defended their title.

R&D: The Impact of Senator Frank Lautenberg’s Death, Hezbollah’s Ties to Syria, and More

How Senator Lautenberg’s Death Makes the Senate Even Less Functional from The Atlantic
This interesting piece discusses how Senator Frank Lautenberg’s death will impact pressing issues in the U.S. Senate regarding immigration reform, ending filibusters, and gun control.

Chris Christie’s Lautenberg Dilemma Is 2013-as-2016 All Over Again from The Atlantic
This brief piece summarizes the challenge facing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, as he now has to select a replacement for Senator Frank Lautenberg, who passed away yesterday at the age of 89. Republicans want Christie to appoint a Republican to Lautenberg’s seat, but in a majority Democratic state that may not be possible and it may threaten Christie’s presidential ambitions.

Hezbollah willing to join fight for Golan from The Jerusalem Post
With his regime on the ropes, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had considered opening a military offensive against Israel to recapture the Golan Heights. Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has offered to support such an initiative and they are currently fighting for Assad’s regime in Syria.

Hezbollah’s Gamble in Syria from Foreign Affairs
In conjunction with the story above, why is Hezbollah fighting to keep Bashar al-Assad in power? This piece chronicles the history between Hezbollah and Syria and provides excellent background information for extempers on this topic.

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2013

1. Is the Erdogan government becoming a dictatorship?
2. Would the legalization of marijuana in the United States significantly reduce drug violence in Mexico?
3. Is the ANC hurting its international profile by aligning itself with Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF?
4. How can Indonesia squelch political corruption?
5. What steps should developing countries take to combat smoking?
6. Will Iran’s upcoming presidential election significantly alter the country’s foreign policy with the Western world?
7. Is it in Russia’s geopolitical interest to work against the United States?
8. What steps should the international community take to reduce global poverty?
9. How should the Ivory Coast deal with the legacy of its recent civil war?
10. Will sectarian violence eventually lead to the fall of Iraq’s fledgling democracy?

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HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of June 3rd-9th, 2013

1. How would American intervention in Syria impact its relationship with Israel?
2. Should Eric Holder resign?
3. How should the United States respond to Chinese hacking of defense systems?
4. Is Rand Paul a viable 2016 presidential candidate?
5. Can the Republican Party afford to vote against comprehensive immigration reform before the 2014 midterms?
6. Are states too complacent in regards to fracking regulations?
7. Will online learning improve college education in the United States?
8. What role should drones play in American military operations?
9. Should the Republican Party be excited about Michele Bachmann’s decision to not seek re-election?
10. What can marriage equality advocates learn from their recent setback in Illinois?

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