
NFL Overland ParkFor those keeping tabs on the action in Overland Park, Kansas, here are the topic area schedules for International and United States Extemp.

The breaks to octofinals and quarterfinals will be revealed tomorrow, so Extemp Central hopes to provide a full listing of names and affiliations for those who clear out of the first six rounds (as long as the NSDA website provides the names of outround participants as they have in year’s past).  All of the non-senior competitors who reach elimination rounds will automatically qualify for the 2015 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Northwestern University.

International Extemp Topic Area Schedule

Round One: U.S. Foreign Policy
Round Two: South America
Round Three: Middle East
Round Four: India, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, and Oceania
Round Five: Western Europe
Round Six: China, Japan, and the Koreas
Octo-Finals (Round 7): Worldwide Economic Health
Octo-Finals (Round 8): Mexico, Canada, and Central America
Quarter-Finals (Round 9): Russia and Eastern Europe
Quarter-Finals (Round 10): Africa
Semi-Finals (Round 11 w/CX): International Relations
Semi-Finals (Round 12 w/CX): U.N. Millennium Development Goals at the 11th Hour
Finals (Round 13 w/CX): The World Next Week

United States Extemp Topic Area Schedule

Round One: Secondary and Higher Education
Round Two: America’s Economic Health
Round Three: The Obama Presidency and Administration
Round Four: Military, Defense, and National Security
Round Five: Science, Technology, Energy, and the Environment
Round Six: Medicare, Medicaid, and The Affordable Care Act
Octo-Finals (Round 7): The 113th Congress
Octo-Finals (Round 8): America’s Global Role
Quarter-Finals (Round 9): American Business and Industry
Quarter-Finals (Round 10): Constitutional Issues and The Courts
Semi-Finals (Round 11 w/CX): Elections: 2014 and 2016
Semi-Finals (Round 12 w/CX): State and Local Issues and Politics
Finals (Round 13 w/CX): The U.S. Next Week