Month: January 2014 Page 2 of 4

2014 Chanhassen High School Speech Tournament: Ladies Rule as Brahmbatt Narrowly Defeats Nellans


Minnesota is a state that splits its debate and speech seasons by semester and the spring semester is the beginning of speech competitions in one of the country’s most nationally successful states. Chanhassen High School in Chanhassen, Minnesota hosted its annual Chanhassen High School Speech Tournament, which attracted twenty-nine extempers like Saturday. Haley Brahmbatt of Chanhassen, a semi-finalist at last year’s CFL Grand National Tournament and quarter-finalist at last year’s NFL National Tournament in International Extemp, took advantage of competing on familiar ground and denied Lily Nellans of Des Moines Roosevelt High School (IA) bid to win a third Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) qualifying tournament this season. Brahmbhatt defeated Nellans by one rank to take the title after Nellans took a fourth place rank from one of the five judges on the final round panel, which negated three first place ranks that she received in the round.  Brahmbhatt took the other two first place ranks available in the final.  Jack Kurila of Eastivew High School (MN) took third. Des Moines Roosevelt placed three extempers in the final round, which was more than any other school. The tournament was unique among many of the TOC qualifying tournaments this season as the final was equally gender balanced, with three female extempers competing against three male extempers.

The tournament also hosted a novice tournament, which was won by Grant Longman-Wheeler of Chaska High School (MN). Longman-Wheeler triumphed over Olivia Shoemaker of Lakeville North High School (MN). Jacob Thompson of Des Moines Roosevelt High School placed third.

All of the extempers in varsity finals earned a TOC qualifying leg and two extempers earned their first qualifying leg for the season. They are indicated in italics in the results listing.

Here are the results of the 2014 Chanhassen High School Speech Tournament (Click here for tab sheet):

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of January 20th-26th, 2014


quiz-01Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

Bangladeshi Political Violence


On January 5th, Bangladesh held parliamentary elections that were marred by a widespread opposition party boycott and violence against supporters of Bangladesh’s governing Awami League and the country’s Hindu minority.  The international community condemned the violence and has urged the Awami League to reach a political agreement with its main rival, the Bangladesh National Party (BNP) so that new elections can be held to create a legitimate government.  Thus far, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has shown little willingness to compromise with the opposition.  Bangladesh has been one of the global economic success stories since 1990 and has successfully reduced levels of poverty through international trade agreements.  However, the recent political violence could ruin the country’s international image, its economic progress, and make it a center for Islamic extremism.

This topic brief will provide an overview of the basics of Bangladeshi politics, discuss the January 5th vote and the controversies surrounding it, and then point out some issues that extempers should be aware of as they continue to read about Bangladesh’s political situation.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: Bangladeshi Political Violence


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on Bangladeshi political violence.



HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 20th-26th-2014


HOTtopics1. Have tigher border security measures implemented by Kim Jong-un negatively affected the North Korean economy?
2. Would a UN transitional administration bring stability to the Central African Republic?
3. Has the Special Tribunal for Lebanon been disappointing?
4. Does Australia need to work with Indonesia to reduce its number of asylum seekers?
5. How should the international community react to Nigeria’s anti-gay legislation?
6. Why are global religious tensions increasing?
7. Should the Mexican government work with or against vigilante groups to win its battle against the country’s drug cartels?
8. Will the “Geneva 2” talks produce a breakthrough with regards to the Syrian civil war?
9. Would the sectarian partition of Iraq enhance Middle Eastern stability?
10. Will the Awami League be forced to call early elections by the end of 2014?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 20th-26th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is it in the Republican Party’s interest to become the party of international isolationism?
2. What regulations should the U.S. government place on Bitcoin?
3. Is the U.S. doing enough to avoid a cyber attack?
4. What laws should be passed to effectively regulate Google Glass?
5. Are net neutrality rules necessary?
6. Does lethal injection violate the Eighth Amendment?
7. Should police be allowed to search a suspect’s cell phone without a warrant?
8. Bridgegate vs. Benghazi: Which is the more damaging scandal?
9. Will President Obama’s proposed changes to the NSA’s surveillance program successfully allay the concerns of privacy advocates?
10. What steps should California take to battle its recent drought?

R&D from Prepd: Chris Christie’s Political Problems


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides extempers with articles analyzing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s latest political problems.  Governor Christie has been under fire recently for a traffic jam orchestrated by some of his top aides and charges that he used federal disaster funds to promote his re-election last year.  Christie is considered to be one of the front runners for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.


2014 Sunvitational: Saffran Wins Fourth TOC Tournament of the Season in Mini-Extemp TOC Tournament


While the polar vortex brought cold temperatures to much of the country, sixty-eight extempers competed in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida for this year’s Sunvitational. Miles Saffran of Trinity Preparatory School (FL), coming off the heels of a third place finish at the Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin two weeks ago, cruised to a dominating ten rank victory in the cumulative tournament that functioned as a small preview of the Extemp Tournament of Champions (TOC), since seventeen of the twenty-four elimination round participants had already qualified to this year’s TOC. The victory is Saffran’s fourth at a TOC qualifying tournament this season. Noah Wexler of Nova High School (FL), who won the Crestian Tradition in October, took second and Richard Diubra of Millard West High School (NE) took third. Trinity Preparatory School had six elimination round participants, which was more than any other program at the tournament.

Since there were more than sixty entries, all of the extempers that made it to elimination rounds earned a TOC qualifying leg and those that earned a leg are indictated in italics in the results listing. Seven extempers earned a qualifying leg at the tournament and three extempers, Gillian Grossen of Cypress Bay High School (FL), Joseph Grossman of St. Thomas Aquinas High School (FL), and Jacob Levenson of Nova High School earned their second leg to qualify for the TOC.

Two TOC tournaments will take place this weekend. James Logan High School in California will host its annual Martin Luther King Invitational and Chanhassen High School in Minnesota will host the Chanhassen High School Speech Tournament.

Here are the results of the 2014 Sunvitational (Click here for tab sheet):

2014 Winston Churchill Classic: Lin & Albrecht Take Titles in Crowded Fields


Texas tournaments are usually large and last weekend’s Winston Churchill Classic in San Antonio, Texas was not exception. 100 extempers battled each other in International Extemp, while 116 competed in United States Extemp. Unlike St. Mark’s, extempers were not allowed to double in the extemp categories, so extempers could not earn both of the legs needed for their 2014 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) qualification at the event.

Phoebe Lin of Plano West High School (TX), a finalist in International Extemp at the St. Mark’s Heart of Texas Invitational in October, won International Extemp, beating out Davis Larkin of the Parish Episcopal School (TX), who was a participant at the Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin two weeks ago. In United States Extemp, Cosmo Albrecht of Robert E. Lee High School (TX) defeated Jackson Crawford of Klein High School (TX) for the tournament title. Albrecht finished second last month at the University of Texas Longhorn Classic to reigning NFL United States Extemp National Champion Arel Rende in the tournament’s International and United States Extemp categories.

All of the extempers that made elimination rounds earned a TOC qualifing leg. Crawford, Michael Formella of Southlake Carroll High School (TX), and Hasan Syed of Plano West High School became new TOC qualifiers by earning their second qualifying legs at the tournament. Thirty-two extempers earned their first qualifying leg.  All extempers that earned a qualifying leg are indicated in italics.

Here are the results of the 2014 Winston Churchill Classic:

2014 Arizona State University Southwest Championship: Paugh Becomes First South Dakota Extemper to Win a TOC Qualifying Tournament This Season; Denler Takes Second


Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona hosted its annual Southwest Championship last wekend and the tournament drew twenty-seven extempers from five different states. Keegan Paugh of Stevens High School (SD) was the tournament champion, defeating Breckon Devon Denler of Mountain View High School (AZ) via judges preference. Paugh went 1-1-4 in the final round of the tournament, while Denler posted a 2-3-1 composite and that makes Paugh the first South Dakota extemper to win an Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) qualifying tournament this season.

The tournament broke to semi-finals, but since the tournament lacked forty extempers, only the finalists secured a qualifying leg. No extempers qualified to the TOC from the Southwest Championship, but five extempers did earn their first TOC qualifying leg  and are indicated in italics below. Paugh was the only extemper in the final round to earn a TOC qualification, having secured his bid by making elimination rounds in International and United States Extemp at the Florida Blue Key in October.

Here are the results from the 2014 Arizona State University Southwest Championship (Click here for tab sheet):

R&D from Prepd: Turkish Politics


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides resources on Turkey’s political situation.  Currently, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government is bracing from a corruption scandal and is also taking on the Gulen Movement, a social and religious Islamic movement that is said to have a growing influence in Turkish politics.


Strategy: Source Diversity


The ideal extemp speech should utilize, on average, seven to ten sources.  Most extempers get their sources from newspapers and magazines, but they fail to enhance their analysis by incorporating a diverse array of sources from different publications and/or geographic locations.  Ensuring that your speeches have good source diversity can create more insightful analysis of your topic and also ensure that you are getting a variety of perspectives to consult in order to answer a particular question.

This strategy piece will discuss the importance of source diversity and provide tips so that you can make sure to avoid consulting only a few resources in a round.

Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of January 13th-19th, 2014


quiz-01Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

American Unemployment (2014)


The first Friday of every month sees the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reveal the previous month’s unemployment rate.  Since the Great Recession of 2008 the BLS’s monthly announcements have been anticipated by political actors who wish to use the unemployment numbers to advance their agendas.  The media also provides a lot of coverage of the recent unemployment data and use it to measure the health of the economy and the pace of America’s economic recovery.  Last week the unemployment rate for December was announced as 6.7%, which is the lowest unemployment rate since October 2008.  The initial reaction was to treat this as good news since the unemployment rate has fallen since 2010, when it reached a height of 9.9%.  However, economists expressed worry that the unemployment rate is not reflecting actual events in the economy because the economy only added 74,000 jobs in December and the reason the unemployment rate is going down is because fewer Americans are looking for work.

Deciphering unemployment statistics can be difficult and extempers usually draw several questions a year that ask them to interpret unemployment data and what that data indicates about the health of the American economy.  This topic brief will provide an explanation of how unemployment is calculated and different types of unemployment, break down the latest unemployment numbers, and discuss the political debate surrounding an extension of unemployment benefits for those Americans that have seen their benefits expire at the end of 2013.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic

R&D: American Unemployment (2014)


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on American unemployment (2013).


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