Month: January 2014 Page 3 of 4

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 13th-19th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Has the New Jersey traffic scandal permanently damaged Chris Christie’s presidential ambitions?
2. What policies can the federal government pursue to get more adults in the labor force?
3. Will marijuana be legalized in all fifty states by 2020?
4. Are police playing too much of a role in school discipline proceedings?
5. Bill de Blasio’s horse-drawn carriage ban: necessary step to protect animal rights or poor political move?
6. Is a new bubble forming in the American stock market?
7. What impact will the West Virginia chemical spill have on the coal industry?
8. Will the polar vortex strengthen or weaken the hand of global warming advocates?
9. How can the Republican Party improve its image as a party that is insensitive to the poor?
10. Why has the war on poverty not been won?

HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 13th-19th, 2014


HOTtopics1. How can Tony Abbott improve his approval ratings?
2. Will the murder of Monica Spear lead to significant changes in the way the Venezuelan government approaches the country’s high homicide rate?
3. Has Erdogan become a threat to Turkish democracy?
4. What steps does France need to take to stabalize Mali?
5. Has the world run out of answers on Syria?
6. Will General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi eventually run for the Egyptian presidency?
7. How will China’s new fishing rules in the South China Sea impact its relationship with Vietnam and the Philippines?
8. Will there be sizable political fallout for Francois Hollande after allegations of an affair with Julie Gayet?
9. What is Ariel Sharon’s legacy as it pertains to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
10. Is an international treaty needed to prohibit private companies from claiming assets on the moon?

R&D from Prepd: The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Turns Twenty


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

This R&D provides articles on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).  Signed in December 1992 and going into force in January 1994, NAFTA established a free trade zone between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.  Economists have disputed its impact on all three economies, with some arguing that it has bolstered healthy levels of trade and others arguing that it harmed Mexican agriculture and the United States manufacturing sector.  NAFTA is celebrating its twentieth year anniversary this year, so extempers can expect to see questions about it in the coming months.



R&D from Prepd: Max Baucus Nomination as Ambassador to China


l_2Today’s R&D is brought to you by Prepd, the only software built specifically for extemp. Prepd makes it easy to research, practice, and compete!  Visit to learn more. Like Prepd on Facebook for special info and contests.

These tweets provide resources for extempers on Montana Senator Max Baucus’s recent nomination as the next U.S. Ambassador to China.  Baucus is not running for re-election to the Senate and the White House formally submitted the paperwork for his nomination to the Senate two days ago. His nomination could help the Democrats retain his Senate seat in this year’s midterm elections.


Extemp Central News Quiz for the Week of January 6th-12th, 2013


quiz-01Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

To access a list of all our old quizzes, click here.

2014 Laird Lewis Invitational: Ansari Wins Title by Four Ranks; Fitzgerald Qualifies for the TOC


While most of the extemp world was focused on the Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin last week, Myers Park High School in Charlotte, North Carolina played host to forty-two extempers and the weekend’s only Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC) qualifying tournament. Nida Ansari of Riverside High School (SC) was the tournament champion, posting a cumulative elimination rank total of fifteen and defeating Mark Cohen of Durham Academy (NC) by four ranks. Durham Academy had two finalists and six elimination round participants, which was more than any other school in attendance.

Since the tournament had more than forty participants, all of the students who reached the tournament’s semi-final round earned a qualifying leg to this year’s TOC. Three extempers earned qualifying legs and John Fitzgerald of the Delbarton School (NJ) earned his second qualifying leg to become the 195th qualifier to this year’s TOC. All extempers that earned a qualifying leg are indicated in italics in the results listing below.

This weekend will see three TOC qualifying tournaments take place: the Arizona State University Tournament at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona, the Winston Churchill Tournament at Winston Churchill High School in San Antonio, Texas, and the Sunvitational at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Here are the results of the 2014 Laird Lewis Invitational (Click here for tab sheet):

Sochi Olympic Concerns


Last week, on December 29th and 30th, two suicide bombings in Volgograd, a Southern Russian city formerly known as Stalingrad, killed at least thirty-four people and sent at least fifty others to the hospital.  The town of Volgograd is located 400 miles from Sochi, where next month’s Winter Olympics will be held.  Although no group has taken responsibility for the attacks as of the time of this brief, Russian security forces and international experts believe that the suicide attacks are listen to terrorist groups in the North Caucasus region of Russia, whose Muslim population has long sought self-government.  Considering that Doku Umarov, a Chechen terrorist leader, proclaimed in July that he wanted to disrupt the Olympics, there are concerns in the international community that the Sochi Olympics would become a 2014 version of the 1972 Munich Games, which were marred by the murder of eleven Israeli athletes at the hands of Palestinian terrorists.  Russian President Vladimir Putin is also facing international condemnation for his nation’s policies regarding homosexuals and the gradual erosion of democratic safeguards that were put in place after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.  Due to these issues, it would not be surprising to encounter questions at tournaments over the next six weeks about the Sochi Olympics and whether Russia is capable of protecting the athletes and tourists attending the event and how it should respond to international criticisms of its domestic policies.

This topic brief will discuss three of the most prominent concerns and controversies of the Sochi Olympics so that extempers will be better prepared to talk about these issues.  It will cover the security situation in Russia, the gay rights debate surrounding the Olympics, and Putin’s questionable human rights record.

Readers are also encouraged to use the links below and in the related R&D to bolster their files about this topic.

R&D: Sochi Olympic Concerns


Here is today’s premium R&D to accompany today’s premium topic brief on concerns about the Sochi Olympics.


HotTopics: International Extemp Questions for the Week of January 6th-12th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Are the concerns of rich EU governments about the free movement of Romanians and Bulgarians justified?
2. How will right-wing populist parties remake the European political landscape in 2014?
3. NAFTA at 20: Did it measure up to expectations?
4. Should German companies provide more flexible working conditions for men with families?
5. Which country is best suited to take advantage of the growing hi-tech nature of the global economy?
6. What position should Pope Francis take on gay marriage?
7. How should ASEAN respond to the recent election violence in Bangladesh?
8. Who will become India’s next prime minister in May?
9. Will Scottish voters reject independence?
10. Should Netanyahu break from Likud and establish his own political party?

HotTopics: United States Extemp Questions for the Week of January 6th-12th, 2014


HOTtopics1. Is the recent Boeing machinists union vote a defeat for organized labor?
2. Should Max Baucus become the next U.S. ambassador to China?
3. Why is there such poor morale among the federal workforce?
4. How can President Obama stage a political comeback in 2014?
5. Should the U.S. send troops back to Iraq to help the Iraqi government fight Sunni militants linked to al-Qaeda?
6. How can the U.S. win the battle against income inequality?
7. Should municipal governments use eminent-domain powers on properties that have underwater mortgages?
8. How should the Marines address high failure rates by female recruits on its physical fitness test?
9. Should unemployment benefits be extended?
10. Has the U.S. been a fair negotiator regarding the Israeli-Palestinian dispute?

2014 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin: Nellans Edges Out Wartel to Claim Third Consecutive Championship; Ties Major Championship Record


mba2010This year’s Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin, the season’s first major extemp tournament, produced the only tie in tournament history as two-time defending champion Lily Nellans of Des Moines Roosevelt High School (IA) and Josh Wartel of Lake Braddock Secondary School (VA) had the same forty-five rank composite at the end of ten rounds of competition.  The pair settled the tie in the tournament’s Exhibition Round with the ranks of the seven MBA tournament alumni judges determining the outcome.  Nellans and Wartel each had a “strike” to eliminate one judge’s decision prior to the round and in a 4-1 decision, Nellans emerged victorious and claims her third consecutive Round Robin title.  The victory constitutes Nellans sixth career major championship, which ties her with Kevin Troy for most career major championships.  Troy’s record has stood unchallenged for the better part of the last eight years, but Nellans will have an opportunity to break it at this year’s Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions (TOC), Catholic Forensic League (CFL) Grand National Tournament, and the National Forensic League (NFL) National Tournament.  Nellans was also the winner of the tournament’s Exhibition Round.

Miles Saffran of Trinity Preparatory School (FL) also came very close to making the tournament a three-way tie, as he finished two ranks behind Nellans and Wartel.  Saffran finished fourth at last year’s Round Robin.

It took a cumulative score of sixty-four ranks to make the Exhibition Round and the top five finishers of the tournament were at least thirteen ranks above the next out finisher.  This is one of the widest margins between the top five and the rest of the field in MBA history.

Here are the results of the 2014 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin:

2014 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin: Exhibition Round Participants!


mba2010The Exhibition Round participants have recently been announced for this year’s Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin.  These are the top five placing competitors of the tournament, but they will not know their final placements until the awards ceremony, which will take place at 4:00.  The Exhibition Round will be judged by the eleven competitors that did not make the Round Robin, with a tiebreaker panel of MBA alumni also judging the round.  The alumni panel will be composed of Jason Warren, Tyler Fabbri, Logan Scisco, David Tucker, Peter Vogel, Hamilton Millwee, and Aaron Lutkowitz.  The Exhibition Round does not count into the tournament final standings, although the winner of the Exhibition Round will receive a separate award.

For the first time in MBA history there is a tie for first place.  Tournament director Adam Johnson has decided that the alumni panel will break this tie based on the Exhibition Round.  This means that of the two competitors that tied for the first the one with the better Exhibition Round performance will win the tournament.  This is very interesting when one considers that the wacky graph has shown the same competitor in first place for the duration of the tournament.

The topic area for the Exhibition Round is today’s headlines.

Here are the participants in this year’s Exhibition Round (listed in speaking order):

*Arel Rende (Booker T. Washington High School, Oklahoma)
*Lily Nellans (Des Moines Roosevelt High School, Iowa)
*Miles Saffran (Trinity Preparatory School, Florida)
*Josh Wartel (Lake Braddock Secondary School, Virginia)
*Chase Harrison (Millburn High School, New Jersey)

For those that want to see how the wacky graph turned out at the tournament’s conclusion:

2014 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 10 Pairings


mba2010Draw for the final round of this year’s Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin is underway.  This is the last opportunity for extempers to make a move in the final standings, as this round will constitute the last three of an extemper’s thirty ranks for the tournament.  In the past, extempers have managed to move into first place in round ten and have spoken their way into (and out of) the tournament’s Exhibition Round.

As stated this morning, Adam Johnson will announce the Exhibition Round participants at 1:35 p.m. CST and we will be as prompt as possible getting the names of those participants to you.

The topic area for this round is global hot spots.

2014 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 9 Pairings


mba2010The third and final day of this year’s Montgomery Bell Extemp Round Robin has kicked off.  The competition will be taking place today in the Nashville Airport Marriott and two rounds of competition remain.  Once those rounds are over, competitors will enjoy a forty-five minute lunch break and the participants in the Exhibition Round will be announced by tournament director Adam Johnson at 1:35 p.m. CST.

Last night’s experimental round saw extempers presented with a list of names of notable people that passed away in the last year, which included Tom Foley, Helen Thomas, and others.  Extempers had to discuss who this figure would “haunt” if they returned to Earth and what they would do.

The topic area for this round is every extemper’s favorite:  domestic social.

2014 MBA Extemp Round Robin Live Coverage: Round 8 Pairings


mba2010Draw for the last round of day two of the 2014 Montgomery Bell Academy Extemp Round Robin is underway.  Competitors have participated in six rounds today and eight rounds are in the book.  Two rounds, in addition to the Exhibition Round, remain and the tournament will conclude tomorrow at the Nashville Airport Marriott.  This is the first time that the tournament will conclude at a non-MBA site.

This round features another experimental round, this time with a domestic focus.

Draw for tomorrow’s ninth round begins late, starting at 9:10 a.m. CST.  Check back tomorrow for more live updates concerning tournament pairings, wacky graphs, and the announcement of the tournament’s Exhibition Round participants.  We will also provide a results listing late tomorrow evening.

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