Here are the answers for this week’s news quiz.  The hardest questions for extempers were likely #8 and #9, which dealtquiz-01 with homeland security and the Indonesian political system.

How many did you get right this week?

The new news quiz will be released on Monday morning.  Also, since local tournaments are starting up, if you have local extemp results, e-mail them to me at [email protected] and we will post them to the site.

1. Who won the Nobel peace prize?
a. Binyamin Netanyahu
b. Barack Obama
c. Bill Clinton
d. Mahinda Rajapaksa

2. Last week, Muammar Qaddafi angered the U.S. by demanding the UN Security Council take a vote on the Goldstone report, which is about which conflict?
a. The war in Afghanistan
b. The proxy war in Somalia
c. The January war in Gaza
d. The war in Iraq

3. What is the name of the anti-war women’s group that has called for a withdrawal from Afghanistan?
a. Another Mother for Peace
b. Code Pink
c. Common Dreams
d. Troops Out Now Coalition

4. Which country recently voted “yes” on the Lisbon treaty?
a. Poland
b. Czech Republic
c. Great Britain
d. Ireland

5. Which former British prime minister is considered as a candidate for the future presidency of the EU?
a. Tony Blair
b. John Major
c. Margaret Thatcher
d. Neville Chamberlain

6. Which S.C. justices health has been questioned after being hospitalized several weeks ago?
a. Clarence Thomas
b. Anthony Kennedy
c. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
d. Antonin Scalia

7. Who is the prime minister who lost his parliamentary immunity from prosecution last week?
a. Silvio Berlusconi
b. Gordon Brown
c. Jose Luiz Rodriguez Zapareto
d. George Papandreou

8. Last week the Department of Homeland security stripped immigration policing powers from a sheriff in which state?
a. California
b. Texas
c. Nevada
d. Arizona

9. Indonesian legislators recently passed a law last week that weakened a governmental institution known as the KPK. What is the role of this institution?
a. Imposing climate change regulations
b. Overseeing elections
c. Creating government policy on terrorism prevention
d. Fighting corruption

10. On Sunday, al Qaeda militants attacked the headquarters of what country’s army?
a. India
b. Somalia
c. Pakistan
d. Iraq