
HOTtopics1. Are African American leaders serving the interests of their constituents in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary?
2. Should technology companies be barred from using unbreakable encryption in their products?
3. How will more racially diverse public schools affect American education policy?
4. Does the U.S. need to use “hard power” to defend human rights?
5. Is it constitutional for a state to make a religious tax its official book?
6. If the GOP loses the presidential election will they confirm Merrick Garland?
7. Will the Supreme Court deadlock when ruling on the constitutionality of President Obama’s executive order on immigration?
8. Who should buy Yahoo!?
9. Should the U.S. reduce its participation in NATO?
10. Can the GOP afford not to make Donald Trump the nominee if he wins a plurality of delegates by the time of the Cleveland convention?