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Here is our weekly survey of news stories to round out the week of September 26-October 2, 2016.
At least 100 people reported injured in New Jersey train crash, US media reports say https://t.co/Koxmpd8ojn
— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) September 29, 2016
‘I Guess I’m Having an Aleppo Moment’: Gary Johnson Can’t Name a Single Foreign Leader https://t.co/POtENlOqkq
— NYT Politics (@nytpolitics) September 29, 2016
What we know about @Newsweek‘s new charge against Donald Trump https://t.co/u1RT6baRDh #TrumpInCuba
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) September 29, 2016
The U.S. economy grew at a modestly faster pace in the second quarter than previously estimated https://t.co/hJ7BfZbzIU pic.twitter.com/VVouVejtEi
— Real Time Economics (@WSJecon) September 29, 2016
Stein attempts to mock Johnson’s gaffe — but also fails to name a current world leader: https://t.co/tBpOXy9FLw pic.twitter.com/cQOoLly82P
— The Hill (@thehill) September 29, 2016
Donald Trump has struggled to move past difficult news cycles. The topic of Alicia Machado is no exception. https://t.co/Mf2n6LgcMW
— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 29, 2016
75% of whites but 35% of blacks say local police do an excellent or good job treating racial/ethnic groups equally https://t.co/d1rx7NKkFO pic.twitter.com/2FiXWWQvjv
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) September 29, 2016
Is Trump right about ‘big, fat, ugly bubble’? Wall Street pros debate if stocks are in a bubble. https://t.co/lKIZSi7yFX (Photo: AP) pic.twitter.com/GpdLxnelgw
— USA TODAY Money (@USATODAYmoney) September 29, 2016
“It makes you wonder where the Christians went” https://t.co/QYGe9vcd14
— The New York Times (@nytimes) September 29, 2016
John McCain and John Kerry are arguing over Syria, but McCain and Lindsey Graham took it to a new level. https://t.co/TBnpRuUmoZ pic.twitter.com/Z9HSSQKGdt
— Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) September 29, 2016
President Obama signs funding bill to keep government open past election https://t.co/YxjXzPBh2i
— TIME (@TIME) September 29, 2016
In Canada, indigenous women are six times more likely be murdered. https://t.co/1PHJ7yvtBL pic.twitter.com/dRvDGxvcnx
— U.S. News (@usnews) September 29, 2016
First, it was exploding Samsung phones. Now, it’s exploding Samsung washing machines https://t.co/ylJ9SQn0sQ pic.twitter.com/2vJ2aFzuQ6
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) September 29, 2016
What’s the difference between the renminbi and the yuan? An explainer: https://t.co/o23SykaWFV pic.twitter.com/r65SkoCJhS
— Brookings (@BrookingsInst) September 29, 2016
There are still 3,200 Yazidi women and girls in ISIS captivity. https://t.co/CEYiaYZtxQ
— WorldPoliticsReview (@WPReview) September 29, 2016