quiz-01Here is the multiple choice version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  See how closely you were paying attention to the news last week on domestic and international issues.

Also, this quiz is a good way to brush up on some general knowledge prior to the Glenbrooks which is taking place this weekend in Illinois.  Good luck to those that are attending.

Finally, starting today the beginning of the second edition of the Ex Files will unveiled.  Look for Stacey Chen’s preview of the Glenbrooks tournament, an editor’s corner column on significance statements, an update on the National Points Race, and a topic brief on the healthcare debate.

1.  What sentence is Eric Holder seeking for the 9/11 terror suspects?
a. Life imprisonment
b. The death penalty
c. 20 year minimum sentence
d. Community service

2. On Sunday, this disputed European area held elections for the first time since it declared independence.
a. Macedonia
b. Chechnya
c. South Ossetia
d. Kosovo

3. Which U.S. political figure is currently on a book tour?
a. David Axelrod
b. Sarah Palin
c. Mitt Romney
d. George W. Bush

4. What is the amendment that has made abortion a prime issue in the healthcare debate?
a. The Chandler Amendment
b. The Stupak Amendment
c. The Hadley Amendment
d. The Frank Amendment

5. The UN is holding a summit this week on what issue?
a. food
b. climate change
c. international terrorism
d. nuclear proliferation

6. Which former Liberian leader is on trial at the ICC?
a. Joseph Kony
b. Laurent Kabila
c. Charles Taylor
d. Mobutu Sese-Seko

7. President Obama announced that he would be doing what in order to look at strategies for reducing unemployment?
a. Cutting the budget deficit
b. Let the CBO research government programs
c. Pushing for a second stimulus package
d. Holding a jobs summit

8. Hugo Chavez last week continued to warn his country that they need to prepare for war with whom in the region?
a. Colombia
b. Venezuela
c. Panama
d. Chile

9. Which notable killer was executed last week in the United States?
a. John Allen Muhammad
b. Lee Boyd Malvo
c. Romell Broom
d. Brian Dugan

10. Which country refused to extradite Thaksin Shinawatra to Thailand last week?
a. Great Britain
b. Burma
c. Singapore
d. Cambodia