Updated standings for the 2021-2022 Extemp Central National Points Race have been posted!  You can find them by clicking on the “National Points Race” tab at the top of the page or by clicking here.

The new standings reflect the results of last weekend’s Barkley Forum, which was a fourth tier event in the National Points Race.  The winner, Daniel Kind of Lake Highland Preparatory (FL), received 70 points and all extempers who reached the semi-finals earned points as well.

The next National Points Race tournament was going to be at Stanford in two weeks, but unfortunately Stanford University cancelled their event.  In three weeks there will be a trifecta of National Points Race events.  Harvard will award the most points as it is a second tier event that will give 150 points to its winner and give points to all extempers that reach octo-finals.  The other two will be the California Invitational, a third tier event awarding 100 points to its champion and credit to all quarter-finalists, and the Marshall Speech Mini-Spectacular, a fifth tier event that will give 40 points to its winner and points to all other finalists.  These will be the last regular season tournaments until the circuit post-season begins.