Here is this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. Which international political figure survived an assassination attempt last week?

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Khan survived a shooting in Pakistan’s Punjab province on Friday while attending a political rally. He has claimed that Pakistan’s political establishment is trying to kill him. Analysts worry that growing political tensions in Pakistan between forces loyal to Khan and those aligned against him could send the nation towards civil war. It could also force the Pakistani military to intervene in the nation’s political system.

2. Which Democratic senator criticized President Biden’s comments on coal power over the weekend?

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin. Manchin, who has spent the last two years as a power broker in the Senate, criticized the President for vowing to close coal-fired power plants and rely more on wind and solar energy. He called for a public apology from the White House. Manchin’s state is one of the largest coal producers in the United States.

3. Which political side won Israel’s parliamentary elections last week?

Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing alliance. Netanyahu’s Likud Party and its nationalist allies won 64 seats, a majority of those available in the 120-seat Israeli Parliament, called the Knesset. The result comes as Netanyahu is on trial for corruption. He will have 28 days to form a government.

4. Why does the Cherokee Nation argue that it is entitled to have a non-voting delegate in the House of Representatives?

According to the 1835 Treaty of New Echota, which began the forceful removal of the Cherokee from their lands in Georgia and other parts of the Southeast, an event later referred to as the “Trail of Tears,” the Cherokee were supposed to be given a non-voting delegate in the House of Representatives. The U.S. government reneged on that provision and now the Cherokee nation is demanding the U.S. government live up to the agreement’s terms. If Congress approves the seating of the delegate, the individual selected by the Cherokee would be able to serve on congressional committees, submit legislation, and provide amendments to bills. The District of Columbia currently has a non-voting delegate in the House.

5. What countries are part of the East African Community (EAC)?

Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The EAC pledged in April to create greater security in Eastern Congo, which is why Kenya dispatched troops to the Democratic Republic of the Congo last week, along with forces from Burundi, Uganda, and South Sudan. The force will fight the M23 rebels, a group that started fighting the Congolese government last year.

6. How high did the U.S. Powerball get before a winner was declared on Tuesday?

$2.04 billion. The winning ticket was sold in Southern California after three months of drawings did not yield a winner. The jackpot was the highest in U.S. history, eclipsing a $1.586 billion Powerball award in 2016.

7. Which international organization helped to mediate recent talks between Ethiopia and Tigray rebels?

The African Union, spearheaded by former president of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo. Last week Ethiopia and the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) reached an agreement in South Africa to put an end to the fighting between them. The deal orders the TPLF to disarm its forces within thirty days and Ethiopia taking control of Tigray’s infrastructure. However, some observers are skeptical the accord can hold because Tigray’s negotiators may not be able to sell it to their side.

8. Voters in Washington, D.C. had to vote what kind of proposal, which could affect the restaurant industry?

Washington, D.C. voters cast ballots on a proposal to eliminate tipped wages in restaurants, a move that would force restaurants to pay their staffers minimum wage by 2027. Voters approved of a similar measure in 2018, which would eliminate the ability of restaurants to pay their servers a third of the existing minimum wage, but it was overturned by the D.C. Council.

9. Who is Denmark’s prime minister?

Mette Frederiksen. The leader of Denmark’s Social Democrats, Frederiksen has been Denmark’s prime minister since June 2019 and is the longest-serving incumbent female head of government in the European Union. Her party won an early election last week, increasing its parliamentary share from 48 to 50 seats.

10. New Twitter owner Elon Musk has recently floated an idea of charging people $7.99 per month for what feature?

A blue checkmark on their profiles. This was seen as a previous sign that an account was verified on Twitter and was free. Watchdog groups warned that altering accounts could confuse users and Musk had to shelve the idea’s implementation until after the midterm elections due to an outcry from celebrities and the press.