Here is this week’s news quiz.  Good luck!

1. What big news broke about Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, last week?

It was announced that Middleton has cancer. Middleton filmed a short video to address the British public after rumors swirled about her health after the press revealed that a photo released of her with her three children was doctored. She is the second person in the royal family to have cancer as King Charles III is battling his own case.

2. Who did Venezuela’s opposition choose to be their presidential candidate after Maria Corina Machado, its original candidate, was blocked from running?

Corina Yoris, a Venezuelan philsopher and professor. Yoris was named by Machado as her replacement for the presidential election on July 28 last week. However, when Venezuela’s opposition coalition went to register Yoris for the race it was not able to do so by midnight on Monday. Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro has successfully blocked his major opponents from running in the race, going against a deal made with the Biden administration to allow a free presidential vote in return for sanctions relief.

3. Which aircraft manufacturer’s CEO announced their resignation this week?

Boeing. CEO Dave Calhoun is stepping down, along with Chairman of the board Larry Kellner and Stan Deal, the CEO of the commercial airplane unit. The executive shakeup comes amid questions about the manufacturing qualtiy of Boeing aircraft, notably on its new Boeing 737 Max 9. Calhoun had been Boeing’s CEO since January 2020, taking over for Dennis Muilenburg, who was terminated for poor handling of two crashes of the 737 Max aircraft.

4. Speaking of air travel, federal regulators signaled last week that they were paying careful attention to which U.S. airline carrier?

United Airlines. United told reporters on Friday taht the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was going to examine its operations to ensure that flights were safe. The investigation comes on the heels of United having a piece of its outer fuselage falling off of one plane, a plane veering off of a taxiway, and a plane losing a tire during takeoff.

5. Former President Donald Trump said last week that he would support which national policy as it relates to abortion?

The former president announced that he would support a national abortion ban after 15 weeks of pregnancy. It was the first time that he gave a specific timetable for a bill that he would support, saying earlier that he was not going to tip his hand for potential negotiations with Democrats. The position sits at a middle mark of polling as about 50% of Americans support abortion up to 15 weeks.

6. Russia was hit with a devastating terror attack last week. What place was targeted and which group claimed responsibility?

The Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, a suburb of Moscow, was attacked by gunmen on Saturday. Gunmen that were part of ISIS’ Afghanistan affiliate claimed responsibility for the attack, which left more than 130 people dead and more than 100 wounded. American intelligence officials warned Russia that a terror attack was possible two days before it occurred. Russian President Vladimir Putin in an address to his nation did not mention ISIS, though, making observers wonder if he would try to tie Ukraine to it to bolster support for Russia’s military operation there.

7. Which group is Pakistan’s military targeting in Afghanistan?

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). It encompasses various militant groups along the border between the two countries and it is viewed an a counterpart of Afghanistan’s Taliban government. Pakistan has demanded that the Taliban do more to stop TTP’s operations but thus far the Taliban has not done much. TTP is outlawed in Pakistan and was blamed for causing a suicide bombing against Pakistani troops in North Wziristan two weeks ago. In response, Pakistan has launched airstrikes inside Afghanistan, which some believe could escalate into a larger conflict.

8. Why did the U.S. Justice Department file an antitrust lawsuit against Apple last week?

Apple stands accused of illegally monopolizing the smartphone market. Over the last few years, Apple has stood accused of restricting competition through its app store and charging high fees. It also stands accused of giving its own products better access on its hardware than third-party companies.

9. What were the terms of new automobile emissions standards announced by the Biden administration last week?

The rule applies to car models from 2027-2032 and requires that 56% of all new U.S. vehicles sold by 2032 to be electric. It also requires at least 13% plug-in hybrids or other partially electric vehicles, along with more efficient gasoline powered cars. Electric vehicle sales rose to 7.6% in the United States last year but the auto industry has complained that growth is slowing for purchases as consumers worry about infrastructure and maintenance costs.

10. Which nation imposed an arms exports ban on Israel last week?

Canada. After a non-binding motion passed the Canadian Parliament with the support of Liberals, the Bloc Quebecois, and Green Party, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the government would impose an arms exports ban on Israel. The motion passed 204-117 and included a clause about Canada working to create a Palestinian state. However, official Canadian policy is that such a state will only be created as a result of negotiations with Israel.