Here is this week’s multiple choice version of the Extemp Central news quiz.

Pick well and good luck!

1. The alleged plane bomber from last week was from what country?
a. Kenya
b. Tanzania
c. Nigeria
d. Somalia

2. This Florida crop has been put at risk by recent freezing temperatures.
a. Grapes
b. Oranges
c. Tobacco
d. Sugar

3. This Obama administration official is under fire after saying that the U.S. security system “worked” last week.
a. Eric Holder
b. Janet Napolitano
c. Joe Biden
d. Hillary Clinton

4. This is the last year that a break will exist for what tax?
a. Earned Income Tax Credit
b. Dividends Tax
c. Marriage Penalty
d. Estate tax

5. The Venezuelan government will ration what next year?
a. Water
b. Food
c. Electricity
d. Gasoline

6. The U.S. has closed its embassy in what Middle Eastern nation in light of security threats?
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Yemen
c. Oman
d. Iraq

7. The United Nations has found the leader of this African nation responsible for the massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators on September 28th.
a. Guinea
b.  Democratic Republic of the Congo
c. Zimbabwe
d. Libya

8. A cartoonist in which nation avoided a brush with death last week due to his prior depictions of the prophet Muhammad?
a. Netherlands
b. Finland
c. Britain
d. Denmark

9. The United Nations has imposed sanctions on which African nation for its support of Islamist militias in Somalia?
a. Kenya
b. Ethiopia
c. Eritrea
d. Algeria

10. After failing to get a new agreement by New Year’s Eve, Russia is engaged in an oil dispute with which nation, which threatens Europe’s energy supply?
a. Ukraine
b. Georgia
c. Turkey
d. Belarus