Here is this week’s multiple choice version of the Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1.  This major political figure went before the Chilcot inquiry last week.
a.  George W.Bush
b.  Gordon Brown
c.  Tony Blair
d.  Peter Mandelson

2.  President Obama visited which political faction last week and had a dialogue about his policies?
a.  Tea party protesters
b.  House Republicans
c.  Liberal Democrats
d.  Code Pink protesters

3.  Arms sales by the United States to this nation has created problems with China.
a.  Japan
b.  South Korea
c.  Taiwan
d.  India

4.  The president of this African nation has taken the lead by calling for African nations to naturalise Haitian refugees.
a.  Zimbabwe
b.  Libya
c.  Ethiopia
d.  Senegal

5.  The political factions in Northern Ireland are deadlocked over what key issue?
a.  Transfer of police powers
b.  Renouncing terrorist attacks
c.  Labor rights
d.  Relations with Great Britain

6.  Jacob Zuma is taking the lack of political progress in this nation to the AU.
a.  Eritrea
b.  Guinea
c.  Zimbabwe
d.  Somalia

7.  Last Sunday, UN chief Ban Ki-moon went to this territory to push for a peace deal.
a.  Sudan
b.  Iraq
c.  Cyprus
d.  Bosnia

8.  This Supreme Court justice took issue with Obama’s attack on the court during his State of the Union speech by mouthing “not true” at him.
a.  Samuel Alito
b.  John Paul Stevens
c.  John Roberts
d.  Clarence Thomas

9.  This European nation claims that it has no plans to leave the EU in light of budgetary problems.
a.  Malta
b.  Italy
c.  Germany
d.  Greece

10.  CBS is in hot water for deciding to air an antiabortion ad that features this athlete during the Super Bowl.
a.  Brett Favre
b.  Tim Tebow
c.  LeBron James
d.  Lance Armstrong