Here is the short answer version of this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1.  Over the weekend, North African immigrants rioted in which European country?

2.  This Bush administration official criticized Vice-President Joe Biden for saying that an attackon the U.S. was unlikely.

3.  This nation marked the five year anniversary of the assassination of its former prime minister Rafiq Hariri last week.

4.  This Latin American nation elected its first female president last week.

5.  An unfortunate shooting took place on a college campus is what state last weekend?

6.  Harry Reid came under fire last week for pulling the plug on a bipartisan bill dealing with what issue?

7.  Democratic representative Patrick Kennedy said that he would not seek re-election in 2010.  What state does he represent?

8.  China is likely to surpass this nation this year in becoming the world’s second largest economy.

9.  India saw a national campaign that successfully created a moratorium on what issue?

10.  This Republican congressman has unveiled a plan to tackle federal deficits.