1.  What does the low turnout for the recent regional elections in Italy say about the state of politics in the country?
2.  Would it be in Colombia’s best interest to exchange captured FARC rebels for hostages?
3.  How can Nicolas Sarkozy turn around his dismal approval ratings?
4.  Are Arab hardliners being strengthened by the current spat between the United States and Israel?
5.  Will Greece’s economic difficulties permanently prevent Britain from joining the euro zone?
6.  How should Russia respond to the recent Moscow subway attacks?
7.  Is it wise for Burma’s opposition to boycott the country’s upcoming elections?
8.  Will China’s hostility to internal criticism be a roadblock in its path to becoming a global economic superpower?
9.  How can China improve the safety of its mines?
10.  If Turkey is willing to support sanctions against Iran, should the EU offer it immediate membership?