1.  What is the most important Senate race for the Republican Party in 2010?
2.  Are fears about America’s fiscal situation overstated?
3.  Considering its economic situation, should the United States greatly reduce its foreign aid budget?
4.  What grade would President Bush give to Barack Obama’s national security strategy?
5.  How much Republican support will Elena Kagan receive?
6.  What is the most important financial reform that America’s economy needs?
7.  Do teacher’s unions a help or hinder American education?
8.  How will the Gulf oil spill affect future offshore drilling practices in the United States?
9.  Will the commerce clause defeat challenges to the health care reform bill?
10.  What cuts should be made to America’s defense budget?
11.  Will Rahm Emanuel be forced to resign over reported job offers to Congressional candidates?
12.  Can Jerry Brown fix California?
13.  Would means testing save Social Security?