Here is your R&D for August 26th:

What I learned from Jared Diamond from Foreign Policy
Jared Diamond’s recent book Collapse:  How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed describes why certain societies prosper and others decline based on a myriad of political, social, and economic factors.  In this article, the author applies Diamond’s work to the United States and lays out five reasons that the United States is in danger of collapsing.

Human Rights Kowtow from the Wall Street Journal
In this critical op-ed, the Wall Street Journal bashes President Obama’s recent Universal Periodic Review report to the United Nations.  Since criticism of this report is circulating in the news, this is a quick summary of what critics of the President are saying.

Japan DPJ powerbroker to bid for PM in party vote from Reuters
Major Japanese political player Ichiro Ozawa has announced that he will challenge sitting Prime Minister Naoto Kan for the leadership of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) next month.  Ozawa’s job is on the line because the DPJ lost its majority in Japan’s upper house last month.  An Ozawa-Kan contest runs the risk of splitting the DPJ.

Housing Clouds Economic Recovery from the Council on Foreign Relations
In a useful economic briefing, the Council on Foreign Relations summarizes the problems of America’s housing market and how they are weighing down the economy.

Kenya:  Police Ordered to Learn Bill of Rights from the Daily Nation (courtesy of AllAfrica)
Kenya formally declares its new constitution tomorrow and in anticipation of this monumental change, the nation’s police has been informed that officers need to understand the Bill of Rights.  This articles offers a quick summary of how police will need to change their practices because of the new constitution.