Here is your R&D for September 2nd:

Republicans Remain Disproportionately White and Religious from Gallup
Although the GOP leadership has tried to enhance the ethnic diversity of the party over the last several years, Gallup’s latest breakdown of the Democratic and Republican parties illustrates that the GOP remains heavily white and that its members attend church in greater numbers than Democrats.

World Bank raises Pakistan funding from Al Jazeera
In light of recent flooding, the World Bank pledged an additional $100 million for Pakistani flood relief.  This comes without interest as Pakistan also discusses its $11 billion in outstanding loans with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

CBO analysis confuses ‘assumption’ with ‘conclusion’ from the Christian Science Monitor
The Congressional Budget Office’s analysis of whether President Obama’s stimulus package helped the economy is coming under fire because it assumed that the stimulus did work rather than presenting evidence that it actually did work.  A short and interesting article for speeches about the effects of last year’s stimulus package.

Schools lengthen student supply lists to help meet higher costs from the Seattle Times
As states cut back on their educational budgets, parents are being left with the bill for classroom supplies that range from tissues to flash drives.  A good article for a domestic social question on US education.

Striking unions reject S Africa pay offer from the Financial Times of London
Tension between Jacob Zuma’s government and public sector workers remains high after unions rejected the government’s offer of a 7.5% wage increase and 800 rand housing allowance.  The unions want a 8.6% increase with a 1,000 rand housing allowance.