Here is your R&D for September 6th:

Iran accused by UN watchdog of hampering nuclear inspections from the Guardian
The Iranian nuclear saga continues as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports that Iran is not cooperating with inspectors.  Reports that Iran is breaking the seals on some of its low enriched unranium worries experts, who think that it is diverting the uranium for military purposes.

Lambasting the GOP, Obama proposes $50 billion for road, rails and runways from the Miami Herald
In Milwaukee, President Obama unveiled his latest proposal to get the economy moving:  $50 billion in new federal spending for infrastructure projects.

Why School Reform Fails from Newsweek (courtesy of Real Clear Politics)
Since the 1960s, the federal government has poured billions of dollars into the education system but why are results not growing with the pace of spending?  This article examines some reasons why.

Unions gear up to push agenda at the polls from the Detroit News
Unions are increasing spending for the upcoming midterm elections, which they see as pivotal to their influence in Washington.  Unions fear that a Republican takeover of Congress would hamper their legislative priorities.

Push for common approach on bank tax in EU from the Financial Times of London
Efforts to have a common bank tax in the EU are continuing, but Germany continues to resist.  This article provides a quick overview of the EU’s latest economic manuevers.