Here is your R&D for September 9th:

Imam Says Moving Center Could Embolden Radicals from the New York Times
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is behind plans to build the controversial mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, says that if the mosque is not built it will create a security problem for America.

Fidel Castro says Cuban model doesn’t work from the Associated Press
In a startling revelation, former Cuban President Fidel Castro told a visiting American journalist that Cuba’s communist model is a failure.  Find out facts about the Cuban economy in this article.

Americans Support Federal Involvement in Education from Gallup
By an eight point margin, Americans support more federal involvement in education.  The poll shows that parents of children in school are more supportive of more active government role.
Fears for Turkey’s Future Roil Vote on Constitution from the Wall Street Journal
Turkey’s vote on Sunday to amend its constitution is becoming a referendum on Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Erdogan hopes that Turkish citizens will vote on constitutional changes that will enhance civil liberties and allow the government to reshape the country’s judiciary.

Peacekeepers On Standby for Pull Out – Mushikiwabo from the New Times (courtesy of AllAfrica)
Rwanda has put its armed forces who are serving under the United Nations on alert for a pull out if the UN publishes a report that accuses Rwandan troops of mass killings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo between 1994 and 2003.  Rwanda disputes the report.  It’s pull out would impact UN operations in Darfur.

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