Here is your R&D for September 17th:

Rising Midterm Economic Pressures from the Council on Foreign Relations
This analysis brief, which links to other valuable news articles, describes how the Obama administration is struggling to show the American people that its economic policies are working.

Should the media be punished over Philippines bus siege? from CNN
As Filipino officials are leaving no stone unturned in an effort to punish those responsible for the bungled rescue of Hong Kong tourists taken hostage last month.  Some officials are pointing their fingers at the nation’s media.  This article analyzes the political fallout of such a move and if it is a threat to free press in the Philippines.

Senate passes small-business jobs bill, opening tax cut battle from the Christian Science Monitor
Find out what is in the Senate’s small-business jobs bill and what it means for the upcoming debate over the Bush tax cuts.

Will Efforts to Train Homegrown Muslim Leaders Fail? from Der Spiegel
In an attempt to thwart Islamic extremists, Germany has tried to train its own Muslim leaders.  However, the move threatens German-Turkish relations because Turkey feels that the German imams will cause them to lose influence over Turkish communities in Germany.

ARIZONA UNDER FED PRESSURE: US Cracks Down on State in Wake of Immigration Law Defiance from the Latin American Herald Tribune
The federal governments fight with Arizona over its immigration law continues as the Justice Department is looking into violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in the state.