Here is your R&D for September 20th:

Swedish Greens say won’t support centre-right govt from the Associated Press
Sweden’s Green Party has announced that it will not support the centre-right Alliance government, a move that complicates the political climate because the Alliance does not want to govern with the Sweden Democrats, a small nationalist party that will enter Parliament for the first time.

Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party from the New York Times
Seeking to energize the Democratic base for the midterm elections, the White House is considering launching ads that tie the GOP to the Tea Party movement.

Red shirts’ redux from the Economist
Just when you thought things were stabalizing in Thailand, you are quickly proven incorrect as supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra gathered Sunday to mark the anniversary of the 2006 coup that toppled him from power.

Europe neglects a strategic asset, Ukraine from the Japan Times
How important is Ukraine to the West?  Very important according to this Japan Times article.

Americans Renew Call for Third Party from Gallup
Considering the current political and economic climate, it is no surprise that Americans want changes in the political system.  This useful poll shows that more Americans support the emergence of a third party than any other time since 2003.

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