Tomorrow, the 2010 Florida Blue Key Speech & Debate Tournament will begin in Gainesville, Florida on the University of Florida’s campus.  The tournament has an extemporaneous speaking round robin and six extempers have been invited to attend, two of which are currently ranked in the National Points Race.  They participants in this year’s Blue Key Extemp Round Robin are:

*Nathaniel Donahue (Durham Academy, North Carolina)
*Indira Puri (Durham Academy, North Carolina)
*Matt DeBari (Lake Highland Prep, Florida)
*Jared Odessky (Nova High School, Florida)
*Catherine Chiodo (Des Moines Roosevelt High School, Iowa)
*Rishi Bajaj (Trinity Prep, Florida)

Although the Florida Blue Key is not a National Points Race tournament, Extemp Central is considering adding it next year.  The finalists at Blue Key’s general tournament will earn bids to the 2011 Extemporaneous Speaking Tournament of Champions at Northwestern University.  Extemp Central wishes good luck to all of the participants in the round robin and in the general tournament this weekend.

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