Here is your short answer Extemp Central news quiz.  Good luck!

1. This television network is in an impasse with Cablevision.

2. Synagogues in this city were the target of suspicious packages during this week’s terror scare.

3. President Obama has received the cold shoulder from the Democratic nominee for governor in this state.

4. These two European nations are looking at having troops serve in a single brigade in future conflicts.

5. Having already concluded a plan to build Venezuela a nuclear power plant, Russia recently concluded an agreement with to build this Asian nation’s first nuclear power plant.

6. This nation elected its first female president on Sunday.

7. The cargo plane bomb plot involved packages that were sent from this troubled nation.

8. 2,000 people gathered in Moscow on Sunday to demand this freedom.

9. This week the U.S. faces a “universal periodic review” by this international body.

10. The former president and husband of the current president of this Latin American nation passed away last week.