Here is your R&D for November 2nd:

Comcast: ‘Massive’ Amount Of Political Calls Lead To Phone Outages from WCBVTV in Boston
Comcast phone customers have experienced outages because of heavy political phone traffic this week.  A good AGD article for questions that force you to summarize the midterm election results.

Bungled bungled from the Economist
A lingering sex scandal might help Italy’s opposition send Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi packing.

If Israel Wants Peace… from Foreign Policy in Focus
In this interesting article, Foreign Policy in Focus describes what it might take for Israel to warm to the Middle East peace process.

France and UK plan unprecedented military cooperation from Reuters
Great Britain and France will launch a defense partnership today that will include setting up join forces, equipment sharing, and nuclear missile research centers.

China objects to US offer over disputed islands from the Washington Post
China rejected a U.S. offer to mediate its dispute with Japan over islands in the East China Sea.  The islands have been the cause of worsening relations between the two Asian powers in recent months.