Here is your R&D for November 8th:

Obama confirms US strategic shift towards India from the BBC
President Obama confirmed America’s foreign policy shift towards India over teh weekend when he announced that he would support India’s bid to have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.

The Case for Nancy Pelosi’s Staying Put from Time
Should Nancy Pelosi remain the head of the Democrats in the House?  This article from Time says that she should so that she can defend her record as Speaker.

Rubio Republicans from the Wall Street Journal
Will the GOP lose the Hispanic vote if it continues to talk tough on immigration?  Not according to this article, which argues that the GOP can do just fine as long as it promotes a message of economic opportunity.

Zoellick seeks gold standard debate from the Financial Times
World Bank President Robert Zoellick has argued that the world needs a new Bretton Woods model for the global economy.  Bretton Woods II established a system of floating currencies, but some are wondering whether the world needs a modified gold standard.

The EU juggernaut must be stopped from the UK Telegraph
In this op-ed, the UK Telegraph argues that Great Britain needs to stand up against the EU’s push to oversee national budgets.  France and Germany have pushed for the move after Greece’s debt crisis.