Here is your R&D for November 10th:

Gates: US open to request from Iraq to stay from the Associated Press
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said that it was a possibility that the U.S. would remain in Iraq after 2011 if the current Iraqi government believed a U.S. presence was still necessary.  The Iraqi government wants the U.S. to help with border security and needs the U.S. to help train the nation’s air force.

Muslims Say Obama Failing to keep Cairo Promises from Reuters
President Obama is facing criticism from Muslims in the international community for failing to live up to the pledges that he made in Cairo during the first year of his presidency.  Indonesian Muslims have recently said that President Obama needs to do more to repair ties with the Muslim world.

Why Bloomberg likes Cathie Black as the new NYC schools chancellor from the Christian Science Monitor
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has named Cathie Black as the new chancellor for the New York City school system.  Black replaces Joel Klein, who stepped down after eight years.  Black’s appointment has been criticized because she has no experience as an educator.

Miller sues over spelling as Alaska write-in vote count continues from the Miami Herald
Alaskan Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller has filed a federal lawsuit, arguing that write-in votes that do not spell Senate Lisa Murkowski’s name correctly should not be included in her final vote total.  Miller cut into Murkowski’s lead yesterday as Alaska began the process of counting absentee ballots.

A Closer U.S.-India Embrace from the Council on Foreign Relations
This is an analysis brief that links to various articles about President Obama’s latest trip to India.  It identifies America’s current ties with India and what Washington needs to do from here to sustain a better strategic partnership with the South Asian power.