Here are your answers for this week’s Extemp Central news quiz.  Check back for a new quiz next week!
1. House Republicans have announced that they are going to eliminate a panel meant to explore issues relating to this.
a. WMD’s in Iraq
b. Airline security
c. Social Security
d. Climate change

2. The U.S. has raised concern over this country’s mass arrest of al-Qaeda suspects.
a. Iraq
b. Yemen
c. Somalia
d. Saudi Arabia

3. What is the latest U.S. unemployment rate?
a. 7.5%
b. 9.1%
c. 9.8%
d. 10.4%

4. Democrats argue that extending the Bush tax cuts for teh wealthy will add how much to the national deficit over the next ten years?
a. $300 billion
b. $500 billion
c. $700 billion
d. $900 billion

5. It has been reported that India will sign a framework agreement with this nation for the construction of two 1,650 MWe nuclear reactors.
a. Israel
b. France
c. The United States
d. China

6. President Obama has argued that the latest free trade deal with South Korea will support this many American jobs.
a. 20,000
b. 70,000
c. 120,000
d. 180,000

7. This nation was awarded the 2022 World Cup last week.
a. Brazil
b. Russia
c. The United States
d. Qatar

8. Thabo Mbeki went to this African nation over the weekend to mediate a political crisis.
a. Ivory Coast
b. Ethiopia
c. Ghana
d. Egypt

9. According to the media, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is in this country.
a. Sweden
b. Australia
c. Great Britain
d. Ecuador

10. Senator Charles Schumer’s compromise tax cut proposal would have extended the Bush tax cuts for all Americans making less than __________ a year.
a. $250,00
b. $500,00
c. $750,00
d. $1,000,000