Here is your R&D for January 3rd:

Reviving U.S. Power Abroad From Within from the Council on Foreign Relations
This Council on Foreign Relations roundtable discussion seeks to answer whether America’s domestic weaknesses impact U.S. foreign policy.

G.O.P. Newcomers Set Out to Undo Obama Victories from the Washington Post
Unsurprisingly, House Republicans plan to attack President Obama’s domestic agenda and have promised to have a vote to repeal President Obama’s healthcare reform bill within the next few weeks.

Danny Davis drops Chicago mayor bid from Politico
House Democrat Danny Davis has dropped out of the race for mayor of Chicago.  This clears the way for the city’s African-American community to rally around former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Carol Moseley-Braun.

Pakistan’s main govt coalition partner quits from Reuters
Pakistan’s governing party received a blow on Sunday when the second largest party in its coalition decided to leave the government.  Experts argue that this may pave the way for new elections.

Oil’s surge in 2010 paves the way for $4 gasoline from the Associated Press
In a move that won’t please consumers, oil prices are headed for $100 a barrell again and that could lead to $4 a gallon gasoline in the United States by this summer.