Here is your multiple choice Extemp Central news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  A Congresswoman from this state was shot over the weekend and is now in critical condition.
a.  Connecticut
b.  Arizona
c.  Colorado
d.  Texas

2.  Due to the incident cited above, the Republicans have decided to put off a vote on a bill concerning this issue.
a.  Permanently extending the Bush tax cuts
b.  Auditing the Federal Reserve
c.  Pulling troops out of Afghanistan
d.  Repealing the healthcare bill

3.  Two French hostages were recently killed in this African nation.  President Nicolas Sarkozy said the killings were “barbaric.”
a.  Algeria
b.  Democratic Republic of Congo
c.  Cameroon
d.  Niger

4.  This European nation is the latest to face pressure to seek EU and IMF assistance.
a.  Portugal
b.  Italy
c.  Malta
d.  Spain

5.  This state is looking to dramatically raise income taxes by 75% to deal with its budget deficit.
a.  Michigan
b.  California
c.  Illinois
d.  New York

6.  Populist Iraqi cleric Moktada al-Sadr has returned to Iraq.  Where has he been living for the last several years?
a.  Turkey
b.  Iran
c.  Saudi Arabia
d.  Yemen
7.  The Defense Department’s purchase of this item from China is banned under a military appropriations law signed by President Obama on Friday.
a.  Solar panels
b.  Body armor
c.  Steel
d.  Cruise missiles

8.  Oil prices increased after an oil pipeline was shut down in this state over the weekend.
a.  Washington
b.  Florida
c.  Alaska
d.  Texas

9.  The government is seeking a ban on the importation and interstate transportation of nine species of foreign animals of this kind.
a.  Frogs
b.  Spiders
c.  Birds
d.  Snakes

10.  The governor of this state scuttled a state regulation that would have required an annual three percent cut in greenhouse gas emissions.
a.  Oregon
b.  Pennsylvania
c.  New Mexico
d.  Mississippi