Here is this week’s multiple choice news quiz.  Pick well and good luck!

1.  This was the value in exports that President Obama is said to have gotten Chinese President Hu Jintao to agree to at last week’s summit.
a.  $5 billion
b.  $45 billion
c.  $95 billion
d.  $155 billion

2.  This political commentator is no longer employed after failing to agree with his network on a contract.
a.  Elliot Spitzer
b.  Keith Olbermann
c.  Sean Hannity
d.  Bill O’Reilly

3.  Maoist political forces in Nepal relinquished control over this in order to join a special governmental committee.
a.  Personal army
b.  Swiss bank finances
c.  Manufacturing plants
d.  Trade unions

4.  This country is weighing whether to try pirates from Somalia after capturing them from a chemical freight ship last week.
a.  China
b.  India
c.  Great Britain
d.  South Korea

5.  This European nation held a presidential election on Sunday.
a.  Portugal
b.  Czech Republic
c.  Poland
d.  Austria

6.  Which party is the junior coalition partner in the Irish government?
a.  Labour Party
b.  Green Party
c.  Sinn Fein
d.  Fianna Fail

7.  A teen drama on this channel has drawn on the ire of the Parents Television Council and led to the withdrawal of advertising dollars.
a.  TLC
b.  Discovery
c.  MTV
d.  TruTV

8.  The CEO of this company will lead President Obama’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.
a.  Goldman Sachs
b.  Google
c.  Hewlett-Packard
d.  General Electric

9.  An abortion doctor from this state was arrested last week and has prompted a new national discussion about the subject.
a.  Illinois
b.  Maine
c.  Pennsylvania
d.  Virginia

10.  Which GOP presidential contender won the first ever “straw poll” by New Hampshire’s Republican party committee?
a.  Mitt Romney
b.  Tim Pawlenty
c.  Ron Paul
d.  Newt Gingrich