Here is your R&D for February 1st:

Why a nervous China aims to shield citizens from Egypt news from the Christian Science Monitor
Although American news has been following the Egyptian protests 24/7, China has limited coverage of the event because of concerns that it may spark some unrest within its borders.

Mayor Bloomberg’s undercover gun stings get results – and gripes in Tucson from the New York Daily News
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is receiving praise and criticism after sending undercover cops to Tucson, Arizona to buy guns at a gun show.  Gun shows have been criticized in the past for making it too easy for those with criminal records to purchase firearms.

The Ticking U.S. Debt-Limit Clock from the Council on Foreign Relations
This analysis brief from the Council on Foreign Relations summarizes America’s debt problems and what steps both political parties are making (or not making) to improve the situation.

EU, Belarus in standoff over sanctions from Business Week
The European Union imposed sanctions on top official in the Belarusian government yesterday because of a flawed presidential election two months ago.  The sanctions impose an asset freeze and visa ban on 156 top Belarusian officials.

Arab allies of US skittish in wake of Egypt unrest from the Global Post
In light of the recent unrest in Egypt, some of America’s Arab allies are nervous that the U.S. will not support them if similar protests occur in their backyards.  This could complicate U.S. foreign policy goals in the region.