Here is your R&D for March 1st:

The Political Math: Washington – Dollars = Plus for States from the Wall Street Journal
As red ink flows out of Washington, the states are recouping power and are defying the idea that federalism is a dead constitutional concept.  Currently, more Americans have confidence in their state governments than the federal government and support for the federal government has fallen twice as far within the last decade.

States offered early opt out from the Washington Post (courtesy of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
President Obama told the National Governors Association that he would allow states to opt out of the Affordable Care Act by 2014 if they could offer health care coverage to as many people that would receive coverage under the law and reduce the deficit.  This accelerates the opt out provision by three years.

Edwards Lies Low, but That Won’t Last from the New York Times
For Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards may soon be indicted for campaign finance violations.  Edwards stands accused of diverting some of his campaign funds to support and cover up his affair with Rielle Hunter.

Governor gives Wisconsin Democrats an ultimatum from Reuters
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has given absent Democrats a twenty-four hour ultimatum to return to vote on his controversial budget proposal.  If not, Walker has said that up to 1,000 state workers could receive their pink slips.

Key Merkel ally quits cabinet from Al Jazeera
German defense minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg has resigned after it emerged that he plagarized his doctoral thesis.  Guttenberg was considered one of Merkel’s strongest allies and was seen as a rising star political star.