Here is your R&D for March 7th:

Gadhafi could wage protracted civil war from the Washington Times
Military analysts who are examining the situation on the ground believe the Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi will be able to draw out the battle with rebel groups because the rebels are too weak to overthrow him.  The fight has already become a proxy war as Syria is reportedly sending aid to Gaddafi and the U.S. is trying to get Saudi Arabia to send arms to rebel groups.

The 2011 oil shock from the Economist
In this article, the Economist analyzes that the price shock in oil markets is a bigger threat to the global economy than investors believe, but that the upside is that recent events might steer countries towards more sustainable energy policies.

Number of healthcare reform law waivers climbs above 1,000 from the Hill
The number of waivers granted for the Affordable Care Act has topped 1,000 according to the Department of Health and Human Services.  The waivers provide a one-year exemption to firms who cannot meet the annual coverage limits this year.

GOP presidential contest begins to warm up from the Los Angeles Times
Although no Republican presidential contender has formally announced that they are running, signs of the upcoming campaign are evident.  Mitt Romney is building an active base in New Hampshire and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich flirted with entering the race last week.

U.S. Looking at Releasing Oil from Strategic Reserve from the Latin American Herald Tribune
With oil prices sitting at over $100 a barrel there are calls to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.  However, it appears the Obama administration would prefer to settle the Libyan situation before taking this step.