Here is your R&D for March 9th:

Quinn expected to sign death penalty ban from the Chicago Tribune
Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is expected to sign legislation today that would ban the death penalty.  The decision would impact fifteen Illinois inmates that are currently sitting on death row.

Cuban state layoffs move slowly, workers uneasy from Reuters
The Cuban government is seeking to lay off 500,000 state employees, but it is slow going as the government is trying to provide alternative avenues of employment and deal with worker anger.

Lack of GOP Front-Runner for 2012 Is Atypical from Gallup
Gallup polling indicates that the Republican presidential primary in 2012 is wide open, which is unusual because there is usually a clear front runner for the nomination.  Only two candidates, John McCain and Barry Goldwater, emerged late to win the nomination, and both of those candidates were slaughtered in the general election by their Democratic opponents.

Yemen Appeals for Aid to Counter Economic Crisis from the New York Times
As the Yemeni government tries to beat back anti-government demonstrators, it is also turning to its neighbors for economic assistance.  Saudi Arabia is watching the situation closely because it shares a southern border with Yemen.

Libya’s civil war could destabilize Africa from the National Post
Libya’s civil war could have a debilitating impact for the African continent and could be bloodier than the height of the Iraqi conflict during the last decade.  The article postulates that Libya could become the new Afghanistan and become a hot bed for terrorism.