Here is your R&D for March 14th:

‘She’s becoming Al Sharpton, Alaska edition’ from Politico
Conservative intellectuals are bashing Sarah Palin for representing a brand of identity politics that the Republican Party has long detested and some, like George Will, warn that if her presidential bid succeeds it will destroy the intellectual basis of the conservative movement.

Obama:  Rewrite No child law before next school year from the Washington Post
President Obama has called for Congress to rewrite the No Child Left Behind law before the fall, but it’s unclear whether Congress will satisfy the request.  A new education debate could open the door to controversial subjects like merit pay, charter schools, and equity of educational facilities.

Japan battles to stop nuclear catastrophe from the Financial Times
Japan is trying to ward off a nuclear catastrophe as the country is struggling to cool several of its nuclear reactors.  International assistance has been provided by private and public sources in an effort to avert major problems from the reactor failures.

Rebels Lose Ground in Libya from the Wall Street Journal
Setbacks continue for the Libyan rebels as Gaddafi forces moved their offensive into eastern Libya today.  Gaddafi forces are closing in on the rebel capital of Benghazi and the no-fly zone that the rebels and the Arab League are hoping for does not look like it is going to be imposed.

Tremors of Arab Youth Quake Rumble East from the Moscow Times
The unrest in the Arab world is moving eastward as Azerbaijan was hit with protests on Friday.  Uzbekistan and China could be next.